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Dear Annie: What can you say to coworkers who give you a hassle about taking time off for a family problem? The department where I work is under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines, and in the five years I've been here, I've done my share of the workload and then some. Now, however, I'm faced with having to move my widowed father, who lives halfway across the country and has Alzheimer's, into a nursing home. I also have to clean out the house where he's lived for 40-plus years and put it up for sale. I'll need at least two weeks, or possibly three, to do this and, believe me, I wish it wasn't necessary.

What's making the whole situation even worse is the attitude of coworkers and, to a lesser extent, my boss. People have said things to me like, "Isn't there someone else who can do this instead of you?" (there isn't) and "Can't it wait until we've met our July project deadline?" (no, unfortunately, it can't). But I feel like I'm letting the team down. How should I respond? -- Torn in Tacoma

Dear T.T.: As you probably already know, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 entitles you to up to 12 weeks per year of time off — unpaid, but without losing your benefits, or your job -- to deal with a health-related issue, either yours or a close family member's. New Labor Department rules, which took effect about six weeks ago, require employers to put up posters in workplaces, spelling out what the FMLA says (and, not incidentally, reminding everybody that it exists).
亲爱的T.T.:你肯定已经知道了,1993年的《家庭医疗休假法》(Family and Medical Leave Act)明文规定,你每年可以获得最多12周的假期——无薪假期,但不影响福利,也不会失业——来解决与自己或亲人健康有关的问题。美国劳工部的新规定将于六周后生效,规定要求雇主在工作场所张贴海报,宣传《家庭医疗休假法》的规定(此外,专门提醒所有人这部法律的存在)。

But pointing out that you have a legal right to do what you need to do isn't likely to get you very far with your colleagues, or your boss. Moreover, you're far from the only one struggling with this. "A lack of support from peers has a tremendous effect on employees' feeling that they can legitimately take time off," notes Justin Boren, a communications professor at Santa Clara University and an expert on social structures within organizations.
但指出你享有休假的法律权利,并不是要让你与同事或上司疏远。此外,你并不是唯一一个面临这种问题的人。圣克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University)传播学教授、组织社会结构专家贾斯丁•博伦说:“如果缺乏同事的支持,会严重影响到员工对于合法休假的认知。”