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Boren is co-author of a study in the April issue of Southern Communication Journal showing that "messages of peer resentment" often stop people from taking the family-leave time they're entitled to. Those messages -- some subtle, some not -- made most employees in Boren's research "feel guilty for taking their full complement of benefits, if it meant leaving their colleagues to 'pick up the slack.'"
博伦曾与人合着过一篇研究文章,发表在四月份的《南方传播杂志》(Southern Communication Journal)上。研究显示,“同事表现出的怨气”通常会让人们放弃本应有权享受的家庭假期。这些信息或隐晦或直接,使博伦研究的大多数员工“认为,如果享受完整的福利意味着让其他同事接手他们留下的工作,他们会为此而感到内疚。”

Often, coworkers' resentment "stems from unstated expectations about performance that are embedded in the culture of the organization," he adds. "The stress of trying to balance work life and family life is really exacerbated when colleagues say you're letting the team down."

So, how can you defend yourself? "In every relationship at work, there is a quid pro quo," says Lois Frankel, head of Pasadena-based Corporate Coaching International, whose clients have included executives at Disney (DIS), Lockheed Martin (LMT), BP (BP), Amgen (AMGN), and many other big companies. "You have to give at least as much as you get."
那么,到底应该如何维护自己的权利呢?国际企业培训公司(Corporate Coaching International)位于帕萨迪纳市,客户包括迪士尼(Disney)、洛克希德马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)、英国石油公司(BP)、安进制药(Amgen)等大公司的高管。这家培训公司的总裁路易斯•弗兰克尔说:“每一种工作关系中都存在交换条件。一个人在得到的同时,必须同样付出。”

A family crisis "often preoccupies us so completely that we forget to think much about how our absence will affect the people around us at work," Frankel observes. "That's where the resentment from colleagues comes in."

Before you leave to take care of your father, she suggests you sit down with your teammates, either as a group or one-on-one, and work out what you can contribute to the next project deadline before you take off, how reachable you'll be while you're away, and what additional work you'd be willing to handle when you get back.

"It's important to make clear that you don't intend to just leave everybody in the lurch," Frankel says. "So discuss with them ways to make their jobs less difficult and stressful despite your absence. It's also a good idea to explicitly offer to help fill in for anybody else who may need to take a leave in the future.

"Also, don't forget to manage up," she adds. "Have the same kind of conversation with your boss. Find out what concerns him or her most about your being gone for a while, and see if you can figure out how to address those concerns."

Frankel has a few words of advice for anyone who hasn't yet needed to take FMLA leave, but who may have to someday (which, with the aging of the population, might well include most of us, sooner or later). "It's human nature to cut people more slack, and empathize with them more, when we know them well and like them," she says. "So it helps to build warm, collegial relationships at work, and have those loyalties in place, before you need them." Noted.

Talkback: If you've ever had to take time off for family reasons, how did your coworkers react? Have you ever been left in the lurch by a colleague on FMLA leave? Leave a comment below.