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Do entrepreneurs need an office? Increasingly the view seems to be no.

A nifty new book called Out of Office by Chris Ward, is a manifesto in favour of roaming around using temporary hotspots to work. It was hard for me to resist this freelancer's manual: the inside cover features a picture of one of my Gail's bakeries.
克里斯•沃德(Chris Ward)在其精彩的新书《不在办公室工作》(Out of Office)中,提倡利用临时的无线热点网络工作。我很难抵制这本“自由职业者操作手册”的诱惑:封二有一幅我的Gail's面包店的图片。

The author explains how President Barack Obama's first inauguration speech was written by 27-year-old Jon Favreau sitting in Starbucks; how Richard Tait, creator of Cranium, started the board game in a coffee shop; how Michael Acton Smith invented the children's virtual world Moshi Monsters in his local Caffè Nero; and how JK Rowling, the novelist behind Harry Potter, believes a café is the best place to write.
作者描述了美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的首次就职演讲如何由27岁的乔恩•法夫罗(Jon Favreau)坐在星巴克(Starbucks)里写就;《脑力大作战》(Cranium)创作者理查德•泰特(Richard Tait)如何在一家咖啡馆里开始创作这个棋盘游戏;迈克尔•阿克顿•史密斯(Michael Acton Smith)如何在当地的Caffè Nero咖啡馆发明儿童的虚拟世界Moshi Monsters;以及《哈利•波特》(Harry Potter)的作者J•K•罗琳(JK Rowling)如何相信咖啡馆是写作的最佳场所。

It is a convincing narrative, and for basic start-ups it makes much more sense to work from home and public spaces such as cafés than committing to an expensive office lease. Offices are hard to find, costly to fit out and involve much tedious administration. Moreover, by staying independent you avoid the misery of a daily commute, which for many is the worst part of a job.

Thanks to mobile communications, ubiquitous WiFi and cloud storage, together with the increasing irrelevance of heavy-duty equipment such as photocopiers, fax machines and desktop PCs, the traditional office is becoming redundant for many sorts of organisations and workers. Of course, factory managers, surgeons, chefs and industrial chemists are still tied to specialist locations. But many of us – from software engineers and copywriters to architects and fashion designers – can operate almost anywhere. That freedom, and a willingness to adapt, can make one's career more enjoyable and, sometimes, more efficient.

Some oppose flexible working. Notoriously, a few months ago Yahoo sent round a memo stating that all employees must work “physically together” – essentially banning working from home. The company worried that falling productivity was caused by remote staff, who cannot respond to issues as quickly, while missing impromptu meetings that can make an important contribution to an organisation's output.

Unquestionably, real collaboration and interaction are much harder using digital devices instead of face-to-face contact. A discussion using Skype is not as good as being in the same room, just as an email exchange is never as good as a conversation on the phone.

But this is an age when fixed costs must be kept to a minimum. If founders or employees prefer the informal method of distributed working, then you can save money and have a happier workforce if they labour from home, car or a cool espresso bar.