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There are alternatives to relying totally on ad hoc spaces. New clubs are springing up that permit their members to hire smart board rooms by the hour for important meetings when you have to impress clients. In London, these include the likes of Adam Street, One Alfred Place, and The Clubhouse. Then there are co-working spaces, rather more basic resources with hot desking and a sharing ethos. And there are serviced office providers such as Regus, MWB and Workspace. They offer a much more structured solution to the problem of where you locate your business.
企业也可以不用完全依赖临时场所。现在新的俱乐部大量涌现,当俱乐部会员需要给客户留下深刻印象时,就可以按钟点租用智能会议室来举办重要会议。在伦敦,这些俱乐部包括Adam Street、One Alfred Place和The Clubhouse之类。还有就是共享工作场所,提供比较基本的资源,包括轮流使用的办公桌和共享氛围。雷格斯(Regus)、MWB和Workspace等企业提供有服务的办公室。它们针对你的企业地点问题,提供更加结构化的解决方案。

I tried working from my study at home briefly and hated it. I needed to separate my domestic and work lives physically: thanks to always-on mobile devices this is hard to achieve anyhow. So I make the daily pilgrimage to a specific place of work, because I enjoy the sociability, and because when companies reach a certain scale they struggle to be taken seriously if the only meeting room is a coffee shop. Other challenges include a lack of confidentiality and the inability to tap nearby support.

But I like businesses with small headquarters – they are better placed to minimise bureaucracy and office politics. In industries I know well, such as retailing and hospitality, it is assumed staff are on the road most of the time and hence they are able to share offices. This saves costs and keeps management close to customers and the action.

Overall, the anti-office movement is probably a good thing for the morale of your people, your cost base and the productivity of your teams.