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Ceaseless technology. A punishing workweek. That to-do list that keeps multiplying. It is no wonder at least 50 million Americans self-report an insufficient amount of sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But will sleeping more on the weekend make up for hours of lost snoozing? One sleep expert, W. Christopher Winter, medical director of the Martha Jefferson Hospital Sleep Medicine Center in Charlottesville, Va., weighs in.
没完没了的技术,让人筋疲力尽的一周,不断增加的待办事项……难怪根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的数据,至少有5,000万美国人自我报告说睡眠不足。但是周末多睡一阵就能弥补失去的睡眠时间吗?睡眠专家、弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市(Charlottesville, Va.)玛莎•杰斐逊医院睡眠医学中心(the Martha Jefferson Hospital Sleep Medicine Center)的医学主任W•克里斯托弗•温特(W. Christopher Winter)参与了辩论。

Sleep Binge
Getting eight hours of shut-eye each night is generally recommended, but many people don't. As the week rolls from Monday to Friday, they accumulate a sleep debt. Spending a few extra hours in bed on a Saturday morning, people assume, will help them 'catch up' on lost sleep. They're likely right. 'Nobody knows how long the horizon is, probably a few nights, but studies show that recovery sleep in the short term does work,' says Dr. Winters, a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 'But the all-nighters I pulled in my residency 15 years ago? That's gone.'
通常建议的是人每晚要有八个小时的睡眠,但是很多人都做不到。随着日历从周一翻到周五,他们欠缺的睡眠越累越多。人们认为,星期六在床上多睡几个小时会帮助他们“弥补”失去的睡眠。他们很可能是对的。“没人知道时间范围是多长,也许几个晚上,不过研究表明,短期的恢复性睡眠的确有用,”身为美国睡眠医学学会(the American Academy of Sleep Medicine)会员的温特博士说,“但是我15年前当住院医生时通宵达旦熬的那些夜呢?全都是过眼烟云了。”

Sleep Banking
Recent data suggests that banking sleep in advance of a long night can actually offset upcoming sleep deprivation. 'If you knew you were going to give birth on a particular day, for example, you could sleep for 10 hours a day for multiple days before the event, and be fine,' he says. Just plan ahead.