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'Social Jet Lag'

 Experts refer to the effects of changing sleep habits from weekdays to weekends as 'social jet lag.' When you've revved up until midnight for five nights and then recover sleep until noon on Saturday, the body is confused. 'It's like you've traveled six time zones, and you feel terrible,' says Dr. Winters. While many sleep extenders complain of grogginess and dull headaches, subjectively they are better at performing tasks: 'I would much rather be in the passenger seat with [a driver] who's made up the sleep than someone who's simply sleep deprived.' That just-woken-up daze? It passes in a few minutes, but the benefits of extra sleep last for hours, he says.

Routine Naps
A scheduled nap is healthier than catching up on or banking sleep. 'Because sleep extension can make you feel groggy, I always recommend a short nap, at the same time, every day,' if a person feels they need it, says Dr. Winters. He adds that 25 minutes is ideal. He tracks his alphawaves and sleep quality with a Zeo device, and sets his Sound Oasis machine to wake him after 25 minutes. 'When you schedule a short nap, your body anticipates it and slows down, without falling into a deep dream sleep,' he says. That refreshing, scheduled break is better than an occasional, disruptive weekend lie-in. 'The body likes routine,' he says. 'When it's prepared, it works more efficiently.'
定时的小睡比补觉和预存睡眠更健康。温特说:“由于补充睡眠会让你感觉头昏脑胀,我始终建议在每天的同一时间小睡一会儿,”如果有人觉得自己有此需要的话。他还说,25分钟是理想的时间。他用一台Zeo设备跟踪自己的阿尔法波和睡眠质量,把他的声音绿洲(Sound Oasis)助眠仪设定为25分钟后叫醒自己。“当你安排了定时小睡的时候,你的身体就会有所期待并且慢下来,不会进入深度的有梦睡眠,”他说。这种让人头脑清醒的定时休息比偶尔一次打乱节奏的周末懒觉要好。“身体喜欢规律性,”温特说,“当身体有所准备的时候,它工作起来更有效率。”

Sleep Types
There is some evidence to suggest that young people are more likely than older people to bounce back from long nights through recovery sleep, as the ability to shrug off deprivation wanes with age, says Dr. Winter. The effects of recovery may also have a lot to do with chronotype, which is genetic, and refers to whether you're a day person (lark) or night person (owl). (Most people fall somewhere in between.) 'If you're a night owl, you may do better than a morning person with an unusual schedule, so sleep-extending can be a great tool,' he says. A sleep binge is a less effective option for true morning people, who may not be able to sleep much past dawn.