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After working five years as a regional director at a large health insurer in Oakland, Calif., Daniel Eddleman felt ready to move up the ladder. So he found a mentor within the company who agreed with Mr. Eddleman that his performance and leadership ability merited the promotion.
在加州奥克兰一家大型医疗保险公司担任了五年区域总监之后,丹尼尔埃德曼(Daniel Eddleman)觉得自己已做好了晋升的准备。因此,他在公司内部找了一名与他意见一致的导师,认为他凭借自身业绩和领导能力理应升职。

But he'd need to work on a few soft skills to clinch the job. 'It can be a challenging environment to get noticed in because it's such a big organization,' says Mr. Eddleman, who connected with a job coach who helped him identify and work on three weak areas─including the ability to self-assess, manage his emotions and brag.

'I realized that I can sometimes come on too strong. I learned to let the moment pass so I could have the space to make a calm decision. I also learned how to acknowledge my own accomplishments to the right people by feathering them into conversation, which is something that I've never been comfortable doing,' says Mr. Eddleman, who ended up getting the promotion to vice president.

Most people are terrible at self-assessment, a core skill that is needed to succeed, says Peggy Klaus, an executive coach from Berkeley, Calif., and author of 'Brag! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It.'
来自加州伯克利的高管教练佩吉克劳斯(Peggy Klaus)称,大多数人都很不善于自我评价,而这是获得成功所需的一项核心技能。克劳斯也是《自夸之道:如何巧妙地展现自我》(Brag! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It)一书的作者。

'It's not easy to turn the mirror back on yourself and be absolutely honest,' she says. 'And it's hard for other people to give difficult feedback. But you need to encourage honest feedback from third parties…who can help give you a more objective viewpoint that you can act on.'

Although hard skills like sales and software knowledge can get you through the door, more companies are asking for soft skills as well from job candidates, finds a recent study by Millennial Branding, a consulting firm in Boston.
波士顿咨询公司Millennial Branding近期一项研究发现,尽管销售能力和软件知识等硬技能能让你获得工作机会,但更多企业要求求职者也具备一些软技能。

Soft skills refer to personal aptitudes and attitudes, such as being a good listener and communicator, that affect how people perceive you in the workplace and strongly influence workplace relationships. Fortunately, most soft skills can be adjusted or learned on your own time with some feedback from peers.