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Over the last few months, during the endurance-athletics offseason, something extraordinary happened: The line began to blur between the health effects of running marathons and eating cheeseburgers.

'I'm not worried, ' says veteran running coach Mark Sullivan, who has run more than 150 marathons, joking that 'there are guys who live to be 100 smoking cigarettes and eating cheeseburgers.'
参加过150余场马拉松赛的资深跑步教练马克??苏利凡(Mark Sullivan)说:“我一点儿也不担心。”他还开玩笑称:“有人又抽烟又吃芝士汉堡还能活到100岁呢。”

Endurance athletes have long enjoyed a made-of-iron image. But amid mounting evidence that extraordinary doses of exercise may diminish the benefits of modest amounts, that image is being smudged. That extra six years of longevity running has been shown to confer? That benefit may disappear beyond 30 miles of running a week, suggests recent research.

The improved blood pressure, cholesterol levels and robust cardiac health that exercise has been proven to bestow? Among extreme exercisers, those blessings may be offset partially by an increased vulnerability to atrial fibrillation and coronary-artery plaque, suggests other recent studies.

In the face of this research, long-standing skepticism about the possibility of 'exercise overdose' is softening among many sports physicians. 'The lesson I've learned from 40 years of cardiology is that when there's this much smoke, there's often some fire, ' said Paul Thompson, a sports-medicine specialist and veteran marathoner who is chief of cardiology at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut.
许多体育运动医学家一直都对存在“运动过量”这种可能性的说法表示质疑,但面对上述研究,他们中的很多人态度都在软化。康涅狄格州哈特福德医院(Hartford Hospital)心脏病学负责人、运动医学专家及马拉松老将保罗??汤普森(Paul Thompson)说:“四十年的心脏病学职业生涯教给我一点:无中不能生有,事出总是有因。”

Anecdotal concerns about endurance athletics have been building for years. Cardiac conditions that required surgery have forced into retirement two winners of the Ironman Triathlon World Championship. In 2011, Ironman winner Normann Stadler underwent emergency surgery to repair an enormous aortic aneurysm, a condition not caused but very possibly aggravated by endurance athletics. Research shows an association between endurance athletics and enlarged aortic roots.
坊间关于耐力运动的担忧由来已久。铁人三项世界锦标赛(Ironman Triathlon World Championship)的两位冠军得主就因为心脏病需要动手术而被迫退役。2011年,该赛事冠军得主诺曼??施泰德(Normann Stadler)就接受了一场治疗主动脉巨瘤的急诊手术。这种病虽然不是由耐力运动造成的,但后者很可能会加剧病情。研究表明,耐力运动和主动脉根部扩张二者之间存在着某种关联。

Other recent studies suggest the significant mortality benefits of running may diminish or disappear at mileage exceeding 30 miles a week and other, very small studies have shown elevated levels of coronary plaque in serial marathoners─a problem that rigorous exercise theoretically could cause.

'Heart disease comes from inflammation and if you're constantly, chronically inflaming yourself, never letting your body heal, why wouldn't there be a relationship between over exercise and heart disease?' said John Mandrola, a cardiac electrophysiologist and columnist for TheHeart.org.
心脏电生理学家、TheHeart.org的专栏作者约翰??曼德罗拉(John Mandrola)说:“心脏病源自炎症,如果你长期受慢性炎症困扰,从不让自己的身体痊愈,那么,过度锻炼和心脏病之间怎么可能会没有关系呢?”