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New scientific research offers surprising ways to shower yourself with tranquility, creativity, longevity and more。

1. Optimism

Never mind if you don't have hours a day—even a few minutes spent in quiet contemplation once in a while yields noticeable benefits. A group of adults who meditated an average of six hours and 13 minutes over the course of five weeks developed patterns of brain activity typically associated with positive moods。

2. Serenity

When mice were fed a strain of probiotics found in some yogurt, they became calmer under stress, Irish and Canadian scientists observed. The were less likely to panic like their broth-fed brethren, and they produced fewer stress hormones—effects similar to those brought on by antidepressants. Look for yogurt that has active probiotic cultures, and say, "Mmmm."

3. Creative Thinking

Volunteers who worked in rooms lit by a lamp with an incandescent lightbulb instead of overhead fluorescents solved problems requiring novel thinking more successfully. Scientists say the symbolism of the bulb (not just its light spectrum) led to the subjects' bright ideas, and cited "a growing body of research showing that perception of objects...can subtly influence our behavior."

4. Belonging

Undergraduates who considered chicken soup a comfort food and then were fed some scored higher on a psychological test of social connectedness than those who weren't given any soup. When given a word fragment like incl, they converted it into a "relationship word" such as include, instead of a neutral term, like incline, because the dish stirred a sense of connection。
在社交连通性的心理测试中,我们给那些把鸡汤看成是安慰食物的大学生准备了一些鸡汤,结果显示他们的得分要比没有喝鸡汤的那群人更高。比如我们给出词根incl, 他们会迅速转化成“关系词汇” 比如include,而非中性词汇incline,因为鸡汤激起了他们心中的归属感。