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There are few things in life that we look forward to more than a summer vacation, as it’s finally a chance to unwind and forget all the stresses that usually accompany day-to-day life. Additionally, there is a benefit to choosing an interesting and exotic location: bragging to friends and family.

The following places are not only great locations to visit in the summer months, but they offer both cultural and visual flavors that will provide stories and memories to last a lifetime.


Paris, France
It is not a secret that Paris is a great place to visit in the summer, and this common knowledge is reflected in the crowds and prices. It’s best to plan this trip way in advance, then just enjoy the amazing weather and historical landmarks that everyone should see at least once in their lifetime. Don’t miss going to the top of the Eiffel Tower, visiting Notre Dame Cathedral, or seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Though it can be a nice trip for families, the high price tag makes a Paris more of a romantic getaway for couples—one that’s sure to keep the fire going, or ignite a new spark.

San Francisco, California
Mark Twain once said, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” While the cold breeze from the San Francisco Bay can get a bit chilly, the sun will be shining and the mid-60’s temperatures will be much appreciated while you’re doing all the walking that’s necessary to fully take in this historic city. Some of the main attractions include: Fisherman’s Wharf, Chinatown, Alcatraz Prison, and crossing the Golden Gate Bridge.

Montreal, Quebec
Looking for European culture without taking a trans-Atlantic flight? Then welcome to Montreal. World-class restaraunts, historic sites, a vibrant music scene, and pulsating night life make Montreal an ideal destination for a trip with friends or for couples.