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6. What leaves you feeling energised?

We’ve already looked at the activities and skills you enjoy, and now it’s time to look at what leaves you feeling energised. Time passes quickly and we feel engrossed in the task at hand. Looking at the skills required for these tasks will give you further clues about your personal strengths.

7. What makes you proud?

Think about three instances in your life when you really felt proud of the way you acted or responded. What was it about your action or response that left you feeling proud? What values did you display and why do you feel proud of the way you acted?

8. Who are your role models? What strengths do you admire in them?

Most of us have role models in our business and personal lives, and these can provide clues to our own personal strengths. Look for the strengths you admire about your particular role models, then think about whether you demonstrate any of those strengths yourself.

9. What feedback do you notice from people in day-to-day life?

This tip might sound similar to number 2, but there’s a crucial difference: Whereas the second tip involved approaching and asking people for feedback, this tip involves looking for feedback in everyday interactions. This is useful as it can provide a more accurate reflection of how other people truly perceive your strengths, rather their self-reported perception.

10. Which strengths resonate with you?

Take a look at a list of personal strengths and notice which personal strengths stand out to you. We are often drawn to the strengths that we display ourselves, so think about where each of the strengths that resonate show up in your professional and personal life.