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2013-07-26来源:LA Times

Forget Zach Snyder's "Man of Steel" or Keanu Reeves' "Man of Tai Chi." China's movie of the summer is a chick flick that has touched off a mini-culture war while raking in the renminbi -- and a sequel is just weeks away.

"Tiny Times" tells the story of four fashionable college girls in Shanghai and is perhaps best described as "The Devil Wears Prada" meets "Sex and the City" (minus the sex) with a dash of "The Bling Ring." The movie is based on a trio of popular young adult novels by Guo Jingming, a waifish 30-year-old celebrity author/entrepreneur who also directed the film.


Guo's fans say he's the voice of a new material-minded generation, but many critics have savaged "Tiny Times" as a vacuous homage to consumerism that sets a bad example for Chinese youth. In a country grappling with a yawning wealth gap and the striking emergence of a sometimes crass class of nouveau riche, the film has touched a deep nerve about the values of Chinese society.

"I have seen 6,000 or 7,000 movies, and this is one of the few that I hate. I was aghast at it," Raymond Zhou, a well-known critic said in an interview. Reviewing it for the Beijing News, he called it "totally intolerable" and said its promotion of materialism was far worse than advertising in luxury magazines.

The sequel, which was filmed at the same time as "Tiny Times," was originally set for release in December. But the distributor, Le Vision Pictures, has moved up the release date to Aug. 9 to capitalize on the movie's popularity -- and the heated debate surrounding it.

Although some of the four main characters supposedly come from families of modest means, they live in a posh apartment and flaunt their Gucci, Dior and Louis Vuitton possessions. One lands a job as assistant to the suave director of a Vogue-like magazine called "M.E.," who is chauffeured around in a Bentley; she struggles to attend to his every whim (and his collection of crystal drinking glasses) as she helps him plan a fashion show.

One of the young women proclaims: "Love without materialism is just a pile of sand" and rejects her wealthy but anti-consumerist boyfriend as a naïve moron.
电影中一位年轻女性甚至宣扬:“没有物质的爱情就像一盘散沙。”并和富有却反对消费至上的“天真白痴” 男友提出分手。

"The movie is instigating the kind of money-worship that will bring up a generation of gold diggers," Zhou said. "Ordinary people can only attain this level of wealth by becoming mistresses to the wealthy."