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Interview questions should be fair and designed to find out if you can do the job - but in reality, candidates can be asked some very odd things. While you can't predict what questions you will be asked, you can prepare by developing a strategy for answering them.

'Your answers might not reveal how well you will perform in the role - but they do give an indication of how well you cope under pressure and if you can think on your feet,' says John Lees, career coach and author of "Just the Job!".


What kind of questions can you expect?

Questions like "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" are difficult, but not surprising. Brain teaser questions tend to be unexpected and challenge you to think laterally. In theory, you could be asked anything, but certain roles attract particular types of questions.

'Some seemingly strange questions are actually related to the role, for example, "How would you sell me this water cooler?"' explain John. 'If you're going for a sales job or one that requires improvisation or quick thinking, the question is not totally unexpected.'

If the role demands quick approximation skills, don't be surprised if your maths skills are put to the test. This might be posed as a simple calculation or you could be asked something more lateral, like how many tennis balls fit into a Mini.

Interviewers often pose "what if?" questions which are entirely work-related.John explains: 'So if you were up for a hotel receptionist job, you might well have to answer the question "How would you handle an angry customer who refuses to pay his bill?"'

Also be prepared for a seemingly throwaway question at the end of the interview. Questions like "What three things would you take to a desert island?" are designed to reveal something of your personality.

John says: 'As will all these type of questions, stay calm and give you answer along with your reasoning behind it - keeping it light and friendly.'