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How to answer these questions

'The main skills being tested by brain-teaser questions are problem-solving and creative thinking - and while there's no right or wrong answer as such, there are good and bad ways to handle them,' says Rob Williams, a chartered occupational psychologist and author of "Brilliant Verbal Reasoning Tests".

'The most famous brain-teaser question is, "Why are man-hole covers round?" A good strategy is to rephrase the question. So try explaining, "Why aren't man-hole covers square or rectangular?"Think about what would happen if you lifted the cover up, turned it sideways and dropped it diagonally through the hole. This actually gives you the answer since a round man-hole cover won't fall through its hole!'

Other types of brain teaser question are more open-ended.'You might be asked for an estimate, but don't simply answer with a figure off the top of your head,' warns Rob. For example, if you were asked, "How many tennis balls could a Mini car carry?" Rob recommends using the following three steps to answer the question (which works for any sort of brain teaser question).

1. Repeat back the question slowly. Reflect upon each part of the question and give your immediate thoughts/ideas. Then you can go through saying how you are going to answer the question and why you have decided to do it that way.
1. 慢慢复述提出的问题。想清楚问题的每个细节,然后迅速作答。作答的套路是,先回答要怎样处理这样的问题,然后解释为什么这样处理。

2. Break the question down into parts then give an estimate of the number that would fit into a bucket. Then break down the different spaces in a Mini into say, front of car, back of car, in the boot, on the roof. Then all you have to do is to estimate how many buckets would fit into each of these four spaces.
2. 将问题拆开,先估算一个桶里能放多少网球,然后将迷你车的空间做个划分:车前、后、尾箱、车顶。最好你要做的事估计在车的四个空间里可以装多少个桶就好了。

3. Typically some clarification of the question will be allowed. This does not mean that you should criticise the question - or say that it is impossible to answer! What you will not be given is any guidance about how to answer or how "good" your answer is.
3. 对一些问题作出澄清是允许的,但不是说你需要去评论面试官的问题怎样,或是说这个问题是不可能回答的。关于类似面试问题时没有一个教材可以告诉你怎样回答类似的问题,和怎样回答好类似的问题