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9. Exclusive and super-exclusive
The old Stork Club invented the idea of a club-within-a-club when it opened the Cub Room for celebrities to hide out from the hoi polloi. A regular $47,000 5-series BMW not good enough for you? How about a specially equipped M5 for $90,695? Mercedes has made this an art form with its Black Series -- special seats and trim, less weight -- layered on top of its AMG performance upgrades that hike the price of a C-class coupe to around $125,000.
史托克俱乐部(Stork Club)发明了一个“俱乐部中的俱乐部”的点子。这个俱乐部会给明星大腕专门开一个房间,好让他们躲开粉丝的围追堵截。如果你觉得一辆4.7万美元的宝马5系不够显示身价?花90,695美元来一台特殊配置的5系如何?奔驰的“黑色系列”(Black Series)把这种手法上升到了一个新的高度。它在奔驰AMG的基础上对性能进行了升级,外观、内饰和座椅均采用特殊设计,整车重量更轻了,但同时这样一款C级轿跑的价格也飙升到了12.5万美元左右。
The old Stork Club invented the idea of a club-within-a-club when it opened the Cub Room for celebrities to hide out from the hoi polloi. A regular $47,000 5-series BMW not good enough for you? How about a specially equipped M5 for $90,695? Mercedes has made this an art form with its Black Series -- special seats and trim, less weight -- layered on top of its AMG performance upgrades that hike the price of a C-class coupe to around $125,000.
史托克俱乐部(Stork Club)发明了一个“俱乐部中的俱乐部”的点子。这个俱乐部会给明星大腕专门开一个房间,好让他们躲开粉丝的围追堵截。如果你觉得一辆4.7万美元的宝马5系不够显示身价?花90,695美元来一台特殊配置的5系如何?奔驰的“黑色系列”(Black Series)把这种手法上升到了一个新的高度。它在奔驰AMG的基础上对性能进行了升级,外观、内饰和座椅均采用特殊设计,整车重量更轻了,但同时这样一款C级轿跑的价格也飙升到了12.5万美元左右。
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