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4. Arrive On Time to Meetings
4. 准时参加会议

Meetings at work are common. While they can sometimes not be very useful, they still exist and can be helpful for team discussions. Meetings are scheduled for a certain time, and depending on the subject, they can be quite important. Nobody likes to have their time wasted, and one of the biggest time wasters is not being able to start a meeting because people haven’t arrived yet.

When you go to meetings, make an effort to arrive by the scheduled start time. This is to show respect to people you’re meeting with, and not to waste time. Take into account any travel time you need, and any time you need to set up in the meeting such as with phone conferences.

5. Separate Personal Time and Work Time
5. 区别对待私人时间和工作时间

We’ve all got things happening outside of work. It’s part of keeping a healthy work/life balance. However, we should try to limit the impact that they have on our workplace. Whether this is organising an event, speaking to friends, or dealing with problems, it’s good to try and keep it separate from your work. It’s not something that other people need to see or hear you doing.

Step away from your desk if you need to make or receive a personal call. Try to limit your personal Internet browsing to lunch times, or leave it until you get home if you can. If you need to print documents for home, try to do it at home or somewhere else if possible. It looks better if you’re not wasting company time to do your own things, even if it is only short. Sometimes it can’t be helped, which is fine, but try to minimise it.

6. Consider Your Personal Grooming
6. 注意个人仪表

A good way to improve your professionalism at work is to be considerate of your personal grooming, and how it’s perceived at the office. Regardless of your feelings and thoughts towards grooming, other people may not feel the same way, and there is a generalisation or perception about some of these things.

Men should aim to be clean shaven or have a maintained beard. Messy stubble or an untrimmed beard can look uNPRofessional and lazy. Keeping short hair is a good suggestion as long hair can also look lazy to other people. For women, some basic make-up and neat hair is usually OK.