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Do you work with someone who takes two-hour lunch breaks, makes dozens of personal calls and naps in their desk chair? Perhaps they frequent the restroom or surf the web all day, while you hustle to keep up with your daily workload. It’s not uncommon to come across a lazy co-worker, and they’re not always easy to deal with.

Carping and tattling won’t get you anywhere – but there are a few things you can do to alleviate the issue. Here are 12 tips for dealing with a lazy co-worker from Stever Robbins, an executive and personal coach, and top 10 business podcaster.


1. Don’t let them distract you. Don’t spend your day focusing on the fact that your lazy co-worker is constantly checking Facebook, texting or snoring at the desk next to yours. Try to tune them out and focus on your work. “Human beings are funny that way,” Robbins says. “We will spend more time focusing on the fact that our colleague isn’t doing their work than it would take to just do it ourselves.”
1. 不要让他们分散你的注意力。你的懒惰同事不断地查看Facebook、发送手机短信或者在你旁边的办公桌打瞌睡,但是你不必整天花时间关注这种情形。尽量不要理他们,专心做你自己的工作。罗宾斯说:“人们这样做很可笑。我们花更多的时间关注我们不干活的同事,而不是关注我们自己的工作。”

2. Don’t get caught up in the issue of fairness. Life isn’t fair. “People often say ‘it’s unfair that he gets away with doing nothing,’ but at the end of the day, it really doesn’t change anything,” Robbins says. “By pointing out that it’s not fair, we just make ourselves feel bad and the situation doesn’t change.” Instead, focus on being the best that you can be.
2. 不要纠结于公平问题。生活原本就不公平。罗宾斯说:“人们经常说, 这不公平,他什么也没干,却照样拿钱 ,但是归根结底,这并不会改变任何东西。指出这种不公平的情形,我们只会让自己感觉糟糕,而情况也不会有所改观。”相反,你要专注于把自己的工作做到最好。

3. Decide who you want to be. “These tips are really all about behavior, but there’s a more important question: Who do you want to show up as in your life?” he says. “Think of the people you deeply admire, and what personal qualities make them admirable? Regardless of the practical implications of your actions, ask yourself how the ‘Ideal You’ would deal with the situation. You’ll behave very differently with Chuck Norris as your role model then with Ghandi as your role model.” Sometimes, who you are as a person is more important in determining your actions than momentary concerns of a specific situation.
3. 决定你想成为什么样的人。他说:“这些建议其实都和行为有关,但是更重要的问题是——你想在生活中成为什么样的人?想想你深表钦佩的人,哪些个人品质让他们受人尊敬?不要管你的行动会产生什么实际影响,扪心自问, 理想的我将如何处理这种情况。把查克-诺里斯作为你的榜样,或者把甘地作为你的榜样,你的表现将会截然不同。”有时候,你是什么样的人对于决定你的行动,比暂时担忧具体的情形更为重要。