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7. Don’t let their work become your responsibility. If you’re on the same team or share the same responsibilities, don’t pick up the work they aren’t doing. Remind them of tasks and deadlines, but don’t let babysitting your lazy colleagues consume too much of your valuable time.
7. 不要让他们的工作成为你的职责。如果你们在同一个团队或者分享相同的职责,那么不要替他们收拾残局。提醒他们的工作任务和期限,但是不要为照顾懒惰的同事浪费你太多宝贵的时间。

8. Don’t let them affect your success. A lazy colleague can hinder your progress. If your boss notices work isn’t getting done, don’t let the blame fall on you. This is your opportunity to speak up, if you haven’t done so already.
8. 不要让他们影响你的成功。懒惰的同事可能会妨碍你的进步。如果你的老板发现工作没有做完,不要让责任落到你头上。如果你还没有这样做的话,这是你说出实情的机会。

9. Use the opportunity to become a leader. This may be your chance to really step up and prove you can deal with difficult situations. “When you go to your boss, tell him or her that you’ve noticed your colleague isn’t getting their work done, so you would like the opportunity to be a leader. Then, approach your colleague and say you want to help him meet goals and deadlines. This frames you as a leader.”
9. 利用这个机会成为领导者。这可能是你站出来,证明你有能力处理困难局面的机会。“在你去找老板的时候,告诉他或她,你注意到自己的同事没有完成工作,那么你愿意借此机会担任领导者。然后去找你的同事,表示你想帮助他在截止日期前完成工作目标。这样会让你表现得像个领导者。”