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4. Don’t let it affect your attitude. If you waste your time and energy on being angry or annoyed about your lazy colleague, your work performance may start slipping and you may be less pleasant to be around. A hostile colleague is just as bad as a lazy one.
4. 不要让这个问题影响你的心态。如果你浪费时间和精力,对你的懒惰同事生气发怒,你的工作表现可能会开始下滑,你也许不容易和别人相处。满腹牢骚的同事和懒惰的同事一样糟糕。

5. Don’t tattle. That might make you look like a apple polisher, so don’t do it. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak up. “This one is tricky,” he warns. “It depends on the situation and the boss. Some bosses might say, ‘Thanks for letting me know. I’ll investigate,’ while others may tell you, ‘It’s not your job to worry about your co-workers’ performance.’  It could make you look bad. But if you go to your boss and say, ‘I’m at a point where I can’t go any further with this project because I’m waiting for Bill to finish his part. What can we do about this?,’ it gets the point across without your seeming like a tattler.” If they explicitly ask you to review your co-workers’ performance, you should be honest, Robbins suggests.
5. 不要打小报告。这可能会让你像个马屁精,所以不要这样做。但是,这并不意味着你应该隐瞒实情。他警告说:“这是个棘手的问题,如何做取决于形势和老板。有些老板可能会说,谢谢你让我知道这件事,我会调查的,而其他老板会告诉你, 你的工作不是担心同事的表现。这会让你很难堪。但是如果你对老板说,目前我在这个项目上无法取得进展,因为我在等待比尔完成他那部分工作。我们该为此作些什么? 这样做达到了目的,也不会让你看起来像搬弄是非的小人。”罗宾斯建议,如果他们明确要求你评价同事的表现,你应该坦诚相告。

6. Don’t let their ways rub off on you. Don’t get sucked into their routine of two-hour lunch breaks and dozens of trips to the restroom or water cooler. If they start chatting with you, let them know you’re busy. “It’s tempting to follow their lead if they are getting away with it, but don’t fall into that trap,” he says.
6. 不要让他们的工作方式影响你。懒惰的同事需要两个小时的午休时间,每天往休息室或饮水机那里跑几十趟,不要因此受到影响。如果他们开始和你闲聊,让他们知道你现在很忙。他说:“如果他们偷懒而不受惩罚,那么你很容易会效仿他们,但是不要落入这个陷阱。”