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10. Don’t gossip or complain to other colleagues. It’s uNPRofessional. “You could cause misunderstandings and hurt feelings,” Robbins says.

11. Communicate with your co-worker. He or she might not be lazy. Instead, they might be unclear of their tasks and deadlines. “Be clear about goals, deadlines and commitments,” Robbins suggests. “Sometimes it’s not that they’re lazy, it’s that they don’t have a good way of organizing their work or managing their time.” There’s always a chance that they’re preoccupied with a personal matter, too. “We need to remember that life happens,” he says. They could be distracted by a health issue or family problem.

12. Don’t say yes to projects that require your co-worker to work at full capacity. If your co-worker is chronically lazy and nothing or no one—not you, not your boss—has been able to make a difference, proactively work this into how you plan, Robbins says. “When you’re given a project where you’ll have to depend on your lazy co-worker, factor their anticipated laziness into your schedule. Don’t agree to a time frame that assumes they’ll deliver,” he adds. You can also  use this as an opportunity to ask for more resources. “For example, you can say, ‘Hey, boss, I’m afraid I won’t be able to finish the project by June with the current resources.’ You’re boss might respond, ‘But you have Bob.’ Tell him, ‘Yes, but given the pace of Bob’s work, I don’t think he can deliver what we’ll need in the time frame we’ll need it.’ Best case, you’ll get the resources you need. Worst case, you’ve implicitly raised the issue of Bob’s performance with your boss in a non-aggressive way.”
12.不要答应那些让你的同事满负荷工作的项目。罗宾斯说,如果你的同事长期表现懒惰,没有任何事或任何人——无论是你还是你的老板——能够让他做出改变,你要主动地在计划中考虑这个因素。他补充道,“如果你获得的项目必须依靠你懒惰的同事,那么要在你的日程表中提前考虑他们的拖延因素。不要答应那些假定他们会准时完工的日程表。”你也可以利用这个机会要求得到更多的资源。“举个例子,你可以说, 嘿,老板,按照目前的资源,我恐怕不能在6月前完成这个项目。 你的老板会回答说, 可是你手底下还有鲍勃(Bob)呢, 你就告诉他, 没错,但是按照鲍勃的工作节奏,我认为他不会在我们规定的日程表内完成需要的工作。 最好的情况是,你会得到你所需要的资源。最坏的情况是,你已经含蓄地提出了鲍勃的工作表现问题,这样做也没有冒犯你的老板。”