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After a few months of Summer Fridays or hitting the blacktop for weekend road trips, it can be tough to reel your brain back from the beach into office mode, so now's a great time to invest some energy in tightening up your work skills. These nine activities will improve your office aptitude while adding a fun and fulfilling twist to your daily routine.


Do a Puzzle

Even your train commute can be a setting for work skills improvement. Whip out the daily crossword puzzle, carry a sudoku book in your bag, or tap the word puzzle app of your choice and flex that powerful muscle in your head. Puzzles can broaden your vocabulary as well as your ability to problem solve by forcing you to think differently about the task at hand.

Enroll in a Public Speaking Class

For some people, standing before a room full of people — or even three — can be more petrifying than skydiving or swimming with sharks. Begin to overcome those fears by joining a public speaking class or club where you'll learn to orate like a politician, improve your overall communication skills, and network with other like-minded folks.

Play a Team Sport

Get involved in your local rec league or simply gather some friends together for a regular soccer afternoon at the park. Not only will you feel the physical and emotional benefits of exercise, playing a team sport will help you hone your teamwork and leadership skills while thinking on your feet.

Hang Out With the Kids

When your sister asks you to babysit her brood, don't turn her down! Playtime not only gives your inner child the green light to imagine, but it also allows you to observe how kids work through disagreements in order to cooperate . . . without the burden of office politics.