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Many people, over time, grow to dislike and even hate their jobs. You may be one of those people. What you once loved – if you ever truly loved it – is now a source of disillusionment, anxiety, and stress.

You're sick of your job. But like in any relationship your feelings may not be one-sided. Your job may be sick of you, too – so much so it wishes you would leave. Today.
你讨厌自己的工作。像任何感情一样,讨厌可不是单方面的事情。你的工作也可能会讨厌你 —讨厌到了希望你今天就离职的地步。

And don’t forget to take all your stuff with you, because:


1. You manage up more than down.

Building a great working relationship with your boss, helping your boss achieve her goals and targets, helping your boss do her job better… all are definitely important.

But what is much more important is leading the people who report to you. Spend anywhere near as much time managing up as you spend leading your team and you do your employees, your job, and yourself a huge disservice.

Managing up is mostly about showing people higher on the corporate food chain how wonderful you are. When you're a great leader, the only thing on prominent display is how amazing your team is.

2. You build walls instead of bridges.

You worked hard for your job so you protect it by creating a network of mutual deterrence with other like-minded job protectors: You watch my back, I’ll watch yours. And not much gets done because everyone is focused on making sure no one gets “done to.”
你对工作投入了很多,所以与同样想要保住饭碗的人建立了一种“互相防止威胁”的关系 —互相为对方留意潜在工作威胁。由于每个人都在互相提防,多以大家工作进展都不大。

A great network leverages the power of individuals and results in much, much more than the sum of its parts. Your job will grow and flourish through building connections with the rest of the company and the larger business world -- not from building walls.

3. Your eye constantly wanders.

You're bored with your job because, quite frankly, what started out exciting and new has grown more than a little stale.

So you ask friends if they can set you up with another job. You search the “personals” for other jobs. You spend more and more time and effort trying to find a new job – and, worst of all, you do that while you’re still involved with your current job – and you pay less and less attention to your current work relationship. And your wandering eye impacts your results, your professional relationships, and employee morale. You think you're being discreet but you're not fooling anyone.

Especially your job.

If you think a job is no longer right for you, you owe it to that job – and to yourself – to look for another opportunity on your own time. Keep giving your current job your best.

Renewed focus might just remind you of all the reasons why once loved -- and could easily learn to love again -- your current job.