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4. You focus on the wrong bottom line.

Would you be willing to work a lot smarter and harder… but only if you get paid more first? If you had your boss’s job – and salary – would you then be willing to do your best? If you had the founder’s ownership stake, would you then be willing to do your best?

If so you have it backwards. The key is to turn the equation around. When you work smart, work hard, and do your best to help the company succeed – in short, to improve the company’s bottom line – then in time your bottom line will improve, too.Great companies recognize effort.
如果你是这样想的话,那就错了。关键在于调整前后顺序。当你工作效率更高、更加努力、尽自己所能助公司一臂之力时 —简而言之,提高公司的基准时,最终你的基准也会有所提高。好的公司会认可员工的努力。

If your company isn’t a great company, then maybe it really is time to leave. But if it is a great company, help make it even better... and in time you will build a great career, too.

5. You married a trophy job.

Do you see your job mostly a status symbol, as a way to show others how important you are? Do you talk more about your rank in the organization or about the cool stuff you do? Is your title more important than the work you perform and the value you create?

Great employees think titles as basically irrelevant. They know while titles are sometimes given, accomplishments are always earned.

As with any great relationship, your job will love you most when you serve your job; then your job can best serve you, too.

6. You’re waiting for a white knight to save you.

You wish for a new boss who will finally recognize your value. You wish for an assignment to a high-profile project so you can finally show what you can do.

You wish. And you wait.

Your job doesn’t want you to wait for a savior; your job wants you to save yourself. Prove your value and your boss will recognize your value. Actively take more responsibility and great opportunities will naturally find you.

Take control of your own future and your job will respect you a lot more – and you’ll respect yourself a lot more, too.
自己把握未来,你的工作才会更加尊重你 —你也会更加尊重自己的。

7. You think it’s all about the big idea.

Amazing innovations and surprising breakthroughs sometimes build great careers. The problem is, innovations and breakthroughs are hard to develop and even harder to execute.

The vast majority of people succeed through focus, hard work, and consistently excellent execution.

Forget to sweat the details while you search for that one incredible breakthrough and your job performance suffers.

One big idea, if it ever comes, could possibly make your career, but executing lots of small ideas will absolutely make your job love you – and will form the basis for a career you can truly be proud of.

If you hate your job, realize the feeling may be mutual – so start repairing the relationship right away. Or take a clear-eyed look at whether you need to end the “relationship” and move on.
如果讨厌现在工作,你应该意识到这种感觉是相互的 —所以现在就修复和工作的关系吧。或者考虑清楚,自己是不是应该结束这份工作,向前看。

Life is too short to spend with a job you hate – and with a job that hates you.
人生苦短,不值得浪费在讨厌的工作上 —何况工作也讨厌你呢。