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I even had a small power cord adapter that I put in there to keep it from getting lost.
What's in your wallet that shouldn't be?
Time to Clean Out That Wallet
Take a look at your own wallet right now.
Is it lean and mean?
Or do you need to take a couple of minutes to whip it back into shape?
Here Are 7 Ways to Clean Up Your Overstuffed Wallet Once and For All :

1. Carry Less Cash - I am always surprised when I see someone carrying a large amount of cash in their wallets. In this age, there really is no reason to do that. I would estimate that 95% of my purchases are electronic.
1. 少带现金。当我看到别人随身携带大量现金在包里的时候,总是觉得很惊奇。在这个年代没必要那么做。估计在95%的情况下我都使用电子现金。
2. Carry Fewer Credit Cards – The same principle can be applied to the cards in your wallet. There just isn't reason to carry a bunch. I limit myself to 2 credit cards.
2. 少带信用卡。理由同上。没理由带上一大堆的信用卡,我只用2张信用卡。
3. Toss Those Receipts - Receipts clog up many people's wallets. Instead of crunching them in you wallet, record them immediately. With apps like Evernote, Scanner Pro, and more, you can quickly capture electronic versions of your receipts. Then simply discard the paper scraps.
3. 把收据扔掉。很多人的钱包里都塞满了收据。做好记录以后就赶紧扔掉。使用一些应用程序来快速的将这些收据作好记录,比如:印象笔记、文件扫描专业版等,然后就把这些收据销毁。
4. Don't File Things In Your Wallet – Just as with the receipts, don't file other papers or documents in your wallet or purse. Again, scan or take a picture of them with your phone.
4. 钱包里不要放文件。就像收据一样,不要把文件或其他的纸质东西塞到你的钱包里。可以用手机将其扫描下来或者拍下来。