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5. Ditch Those Membership Cards – You don't need to carry all those miscellaneous membership cards anymore. Even business cards are passé in most situations. From insurance cards to local club memberships, take a picture of the card and store it in Dropboxor Evernote.
5. 把那些会员卡丢掉。你不再需要带着这些繁杂的会员卡。名片在大多数时候都不起作用。从保险卡到当地俱乐部的会员卡,都把它拍下来存到网路随身碟里或者是印象笔记里。
6. Carry a Thinner Wallet – It's hard to put things in your wallet (or purse) if they don't fit. Minimize what you carry by getting a smaller wallet. There are lots of great slim wallets that limit you to only a few items.
6. 带一个小巧的钱包。这样,如果东西装不下,你就很难把那些东西放进钱包里了。买小一点的钱包也能减少你所带的东西。很多小巧的钱包都能让你只携带很少的东西。
7. There's an App for That – Chances are there is an app to replace many of the items in your wallet. Starbucks has a great app for your loyalty account with them. Apple's Passbook is coming very soon and promises to replace even more of the cards you carry.
7. 有些应用可以取代钱包的作用。有些应用程序就是用来取代你装在钱包里的某些东西的。星巴克就为您设计了一个不错的应用程序。由苹果公司研发的一种即将运行的应用,就承诺可以使你少携带一些卡。