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Working for a start-up is different from working for an established company. That's why great start-up employees:

1. Don't look to the checkbook.

Capital-intensive ventures can require significant sums, but most businesses require little funding to get started. In fact, there's often an inverse relationship between the level of funding and the long-term success of a start-up. (It's worth noting that the majority of the companies on the Inc. 5000 list were bootstrapped.)

Great start-up employees don't care about office décor, or fully staffed support functions, or supply closets that somehow are always restocked. Their instinct is to work through problems instead of throwing money at them.

2. Prefer acting to thinking.

A detailed plan is great, but stuff happens, and most entrepreneurs don't make it past the first three action items before adapting to reality. (Ask any successful entrepreneur if his or her company in any way resembles their original business plan--I guarantee it doesn't.)

Great start-up employees spend a little time planning and a lot more time doing. If they're unsure, they do something... then react appropriately. They know it's easy to ponder and weigh and evaluate and assess a company out of business.

3. Only care about what the customer sees.

Some people leave their corporate position for a job at a start-up with the assumption the amenities should be equal. Of course that's not how it works, since bootstrapped companies only spend money where it touches the customer. (If you run a law firm, your associates' offices reflect on your firm; if you run a restaurant, the customers shouldn't even know an office exists.)

Great start-up employees instinctively understand you will only spend money when it makes a real difference to your customers. They know that success is not defined by amenities or fancy offices: Success is defined solely by revenue, by profits, and where employees are concerned, opportunities to grow with your business.