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5. Anything super embarrassing about your ex.

If you're willing to share awful story after awful story about your ex, what does this say to your pals or your current man?

6. Anything he told you in absolute confidence.

In that same vein, don't show you're untrustworthy by spilling major secrets about your ex's family, childhood, what have you. However bitterly things ended, the fact is that you were in an intimate relationship with this person. Often, because he's an "ex" you may rationalize that any oaths made are off the table but keeping promises and living with integrity is just a good way to lead your life.

7. Qualities that you loved about your ex.

Some people have the opposite problem when it comes to exes and find themselves gushing about the awesome things he did, gifts he gave you, how he made you feel special, blah blah blah. For the sake of any new relationship you might be forming, and your own sanity, get your mind-and mouth-out of the past.

8. How much your parents loved him.

When you take a new guy to meet your folks, don't prime him by comparing how your exes fared with your family-especially if your mom and dad loved someone you previously dated. The guy is probably nervous enough trying to live up to your (and their) expectations-he doesn't need the ghost of your ex-bf taunting him, too.

9. Negative qualities your ex had that your current guy has.

If you really want to piss your current boyfriend off, mention that something he does that you totally hate reminds you of your ex. This kind of comment never leads to anything positive, trust us.