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2013-09-14来源:Content Loop

It’s very likely that if you’ve worked in an office at all, you’ve worked in an open-plan office. As a reaction against hierarchical workplace structures and a means to move employees away from working in boxes, they’ve become commonplace.

They’re a double-edged sword, however. On the one hand, open-plan offices can inspire a more collaborative, innovative and social environment where ideas transfer easily between members of different departments and teams. On the other, open-plan workspaces are being recognized as a wildly distracting environment to to work in, where, according to one study by The Sound Agency, workers are 66% less productive.

Is it possible to foster productive collaboration in an open floor plan day in and day out? If so, the following tactics will help you stay sane and efficient.


Create a “virtual wall”

When it comes to open-plan offices, hell can be other people. The human brain only has the capacity for 1.6 conversations, according to Julian Treasure, TED speaker and author of Sound Business, and if your mind wanders to a nearby discussion, you don’t have much brain power left to work with.

If you are having trouble concentrating because of the voices and antics of your colleagues, you can create a “virtual wall” between yourself and the rest of your office. How to achieve this? It’s easier than you think. Headphones.

Even when we do retreat to our own worlds, it’s usually with music that neither helps concentration nor productivity. If you’re trying to stay productive, don’t play music with vocals, such as radio, podcasts or even lyric-filled songs, since they’ll only further use up your brain space.

The best sounds for concentration are natural and uNPRedictable. Ambient electronic music tends to work well at blocking out noise yet it doesn’t create a distraction. Try binaural beats in stereo headphones. Neurophysiologists believe these sounds can induce the brain into a deep state of concentration, creativity and relaxation.