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2013-09-14来源:Content Loop
Have a “Collaboration Table” delegated

The key to keeping employees happy and productive is having a mix of spaces for different activities. According to a new study by design firm Gensler, it was found that workers spend more than half their time at work in deep focus and about one-fourth in collaboration, with the rest split between learning, socializing and other tasks.

Of course, people who work in an office still spend most of the day at their desks, but when it’s time to do some hard-core collaborating or learning, moving to a different environment can help shift gears. Delegate a larger central “community” table where conversation and ideas can flow freely. And encourage an environment of mindful chatter amongst neighboring desks.

Try rooms with high tables where everyone has to stand and the walls are floor to ceiling whiteboard. This arrangement will prompt presence and participation. Or conversely, have isolation rooms where people can go to be alone and silent. Try putting a chalkboard on the outside of the door where people can write what they’re working on inside. This way the rest of the team knows why they’re heads down and can leave them in peace to accomplish what they need.