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中国文明旅游指南 不要公开挖鼻孔

If they adhere to the guidelines, expect to hear more Chinese sprinkling their conversations with niceties such as 'Morning' and 'Sorry' overseas. After all, 'it's international practice,' the booklet says.

Similarly, when using the restroom, Chinese are asked not to linger too long in the stalls. 'Don't leave footprints on the toilet; don't forget to flush the toilet after use,' the manual implores.

Snapping a holiday shot? Then be considerate -- don't fight with others when you want to take pictures, and don't force other people to take pictures with you, the booklet adds.

When flying, the guidelines advise travelers not to take life vests away from airplanes, as one Chinese man did recently.

For years, overseas travel by Chinese was heavily restricted and it wasn't until 1997 that Chinese people began to venture abroad purely for tourism. With such a short history of globetrotting, it's not surprising that many Chinese commit faux pas on their foreign voyages.

Yet that's not to say the Chinese are the world's worst tourists. As one recent survey suggests, the Russians, the Brits and--you guessed it--the Americans take uncouthness to even higher levels when rambling through foreign lands.

Chinese tourists are also urged to be respectful of local customs wherever they travel.

In the United Kingdom, for example, it's not polite to ask people: 'Where are you going?' or 'Have you eaten?' the book says.

When in Spain, ladies should wear earrings when they go out--anything less is akin to being naked, the guidelines say--one piece of advice that one Weibo user found a bit spurious.

Another Weibo user wrote that he found some of the travel tips plain weird--a claim some guidelines make difficult to refute:

'Wherever you dive in the ocean, don't catch and take away any marine life,' and take care not to 'dry your handkerchief and underwear on the lampshade.'