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绿色果蔬汁流行 消费者会花多少钱买健康饮料?

BluePrint was founded six years ago to sell a six-bottle-a-day-cleanse product that costs $75 a day. It includes a lemon, cayenne and agave concoction meant to 'hydrate, refresh, curb that 4 p.m. snack craving and stay focused,' the company website says. BluePrint now also sells individual bottles of juice at high-end grocers around the country. Another cleanse product: BluePrintBride, for women wanting to lose weight and detoxify before their wedding, starts at $350. BluePrint, which was acquired last year by Hain Celestial Group Inc., in Melville, N.Y., says it had $20 million in sales last year.
BluePrint于六年前创立,当时卖的是一种每天六瓶的 化排毒产品,每天花费75美元(约合人民币450元)。公司网站上说,产品包括一种柠檬、辣椒和龙舌兰的混合物,旨在“补水、消除疲劳和抑制下午4点钟想吃零食的欲望,让人保持精力集中”。BluePrint现在还在全美各高档零售店卖单瓶果汁。另外一款 化产品是BluePrintBride,适合在婚礼前想减肥和排毒的女性,价格350美元(约合人民币2,100元)起。BluePrint去年被纽约州梅尔维尔市(Melville)公司Hain Celestial Group Inc.收购。公司称去年销售额为2,000万美元。

Another cold-pressed juice company, Evolution Fresh, was purchased by Seattle-based Starbucks Coffee Co. two years ago for $30 million. The company recently invested $70 million to open a factory in Southern California to produce 140,000 gallons of juice a week, says Chris Bruzzo, general manager of Evolution Fresh. Mr. Bruzzo says the juices are now carried in 5,000 Starbucks locations and 3,000 grocery outlets. The best sellers are two varieties of green juice, he says.
另外一家冷榨果汁公司Evolution Fresh两年前被总部位于西雅图的星巴克咖啡(Starbucks Coffee Co.)以3,000万美元的价格收购。Evolution Fresh总经理克里斯・布鲁佐(Chris Bruzzo)说,公司最近投入7,000万美元(约合人民币4.2亿元)在南加州开设了一家工厂,每周生产14万加仑的果汁。布鲁佐说,目前这些果汁产品在5,000家星巴克店和3,000家连锁超市销售。他说,销量最好的是两种绿色果汁。

Getting pricey cold-pressed juice on the shelves of national supermarkets and specialty stores has been a challenge. Stores like Whole Foods typically require a shelf-life of about 30 days for packaged juices. But traditional methods of preserving foods use heat, which destroys some nutrients. Cold-pressed juice companies didn't want that.
把高价冷榨果汁放上全国性超市和专卖店的货架并不容易。Whole Foods等超市一般都要求盒装果汁的货架保存期为30天左右,但传统保存食品用的高温法,这样会损坏部分营养成分。冷榨果汁公司并不希望这样。

To extend shelf life, some companies, including Suja, BluePrint and Evolution Fresh, have turned to a process often called high-pressure processing (HPP), which inactivates most microorganisms while retaining natural freshness. HPP, also used to preserve guacamole and ready-to-eat meats, subjects the food to intense pressure of thousands of pounds a square inch.
为了延长货架保存期,包括Suja、BluePrint和Evolution Fresh在内的公司开始采用一种被称为高压加工(HPP)的方法,这种方法可以在自然保鲜的同时抑制大部分微生物的活动。高压加工法还被用于保存牛油果沙拉酱和熟肉制品,这种方法会使食品承受每平方英寸几千镑的压力。

High-pressure processing, however, is the subject of a lawsuit filed against Hain Celestial in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York last month. The suit says that HPP destroys some probiotics and enzymes and that BluePrint labels falsely advertise its products as 'raw.' A BluePrint spokeswoman declined to comment on the suit.
不过上个月,高压加工法成为了一起在纽约南部联邦地区法院(District Court for the Southern District of New York)针对Hain Celestial公司的诉讼的主要议题。诉讼说高压加工法损坏了产品中的某些益生菌和?,而BluePrint商标将其产品虚假宣传为“未加工”食品。BluePrint发言人拒绝就该诉讼发表评论。

Ms. Lawless, the Suja co-founder, has long made juice at home because she has celiac disease. She and a partner, Eric Ethans, in 2011 began selling juice to her yoga students who would ask about her juicing.
Suja联合创始人劳雷斯向来都在家里自制果汁,因为她患有乳麋泻。2011年,有些瑜伽学员对她榨果汁表示好奇,于是她和合伙人埃里克・伊桑斯(Eric Ethans)开始把果汁卖给他们。

The small operation attracted two investors, including Jeff Church, 52, a bottled-water entrepreneur. He approached Whole Foods, which began offering Suja products in its stores in fall of 2012. Suja -- a word the company founders made up that signifies to them 'long and beautiful life,' a spokeswoman says -- now produces on average 10,000 bottles a week of each of its 19 flavors at its Southern California plant. It acquired an organic-produce distributor to ease supply issues. And it plans to open a plant in the Philadelphia area next year to have quicker access to more markets. 'It's about getting the kale picked and on the shelf at Whole Foods as fast as we possibly can,' says Mr. Church, Suja's chief executive.
这个小作坊吸引了两位投资者,包括现年52岁的瓶装水企业家杰夫・丘吉(Jeff Church)。他和Whole Foods进行了接洽,Whole Foods从2012年秋季开始在各大门店销售Suja的产品。公司发言人说,Suja这个名字是创始人起的,对他们来说表示“长寿美丽的人生”。Suja在南加州的工厂目前的产量是平均每种口味每周生产1万瓶,共有19种口味。公司收购了一家有机农产品经销商,以缓解供应问题。公司计划明年在费城地区开设一家工厂,从而更快打入更多市场。Suja首席执行长丘吉说:“我们要尽可能快地采摘到甘蓝,然后把果汁放到Whole Foods的货架上。”