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更好的实用性 通过Wi-Fi打电话的智能手机


What if you could get a top-tier, current-model smartphone with all the bells and whistles, and pay between $5 and $40 a month for unlimited voice, text and data? And there's no contract required.

Well, you can if you sign up with an innovative carrier called Republic Wireless. Republic's secret is it modifies brand-name phones so they place voice calls and send texts over Wi-Fi instead of more expensive cellular networks. That lets the company charge less per month and forgo contracts. And now it offers a top-tier phone, the Moto X from Motorola.
现在如果你与一家叫Republic的创新运营商签约,就可以享受到这些。Republic的秘诀是,他们对品牌手机进行了改装,从而让通话和短信都基于Wi-Fi,绕开了资费较贵的手机网络。这样一来,Repubilc就可以降低每月资费,而且无需合约限制。现在他们提供了一款摩托罗拉(Motorola)的旗舰手机Moto X。

更好的实用性 通过Wi-Fi打电话的智能手机

When Wi-Fi is absent or too weak, Republic's phones switch to Sprint's cellular network for calling and texting. Cellular calls and texts don't cost extra. If you start a call via Wi-Fi and keep talking as you leave Wi-Fi range, the call switches over to cellular.

Most other smartphones can make Wi-Fi calls, but these typically require an app. Republic modifies the phone's main dialer and texting functions to work over Wi-Fi whenever possible. You don't have to do anything special to initiate a Wi-Fi call or text.
虽然多数其他智能手机都可以通过Wi-Fi打电话,但它们通常需要安装应用。Repubilc对Moto X的电话和短信功能进行了改装,只要有Wi-Fi就启动使用。你不需要任何特殊设置就可以通过Wi-Fi打电话或发短信。

Republic has been in business about a year, but its first offering had several drawbacks. First, it worked only with a clunky, limited phone, the Motorola Defy XT, which had skimpy memory, a small, low-res screen and only the older 3G cellular data network. Second, call quality over Wi-Fi was iffy, with audible echoes and some clipped words. Third, the handover between Wi-Fi and cellular was clumsy. The phone had to hang up the Wi-Fi call and redial over cellular.
Republic已经运营了约一年时间,但其首项业务存在几大缺陷。首先,他们当时服务只有一款笨重机型摩托罗拉Defy XT,这款手机存储空间不足,屏幕又小,分辨率低,而且只支持较老的3G手机网络。其次,通过Wi-fi打电话并不稳定,经常有杂音和中断。再次,Wi-fi与手机网络之间切换也有问题。这款手机必须先挂断Wi-Fi通话,然后用手机网络重拨。

Now, all that has changed. I've been testing Republic's latest, improved service on the Moto X, and it has solved all three problems. There are still a couple of drawbacks, but I can recommend it as an option for people who want to save on monthly bills and don't mind being limited to a choice of a single modern Android phone.
但现在一切都改变了。我一直在测试Repubile最新的基于Moto X改进后的服务,上述三个问题都得到了解决。虽然还是存在一些缺陷,但我已经可以将其作为一个选择进行推荐,适合给那些想每个月省话费又不介意只有一款安卓(Android)手机选择的人们。

The first improvement is the Moto X, which came out in August. The Google-owned handset maker's premier model has a vivid, 4.7-inch screen, fast 4G LTE data capability and 16 gigabytes of memory.
第一项改进就是使用了8月份发布的手机Moto X。这款谷歌(Google)子公司的旗舰产品拥有色彩鲜明的4.7英寸(约合12厘米)显示屏,支持4G LTE数据网络以及拥有16GB的内存。

Second, I found call quality over Wi-Fi to be very good. I heard no echoes or clipped words, and everyone with whom I tested it said the Wi-Fi and cellular calls were indistinguishable.

Third, handing off calls between Wi-Fi and cellular networks is now truly seamless. Neither I nor the people with whom I was speaking could detect the millisecond pause when I left Wi-Fi range and the calls switched to Sprint.

I used Republic's modified Moto X in my home, in several Starbucks shops and in a few other public Wi-Fi locations. All of the calls worked fine, as did the handover as I kept talking while walking out of Wi-Fi range. My only glitch came at one of the Starbucks, where the phone had trouble with the Wi-Fi and it took several tries to connect.
我在家里、几个星巴克(Starbucks)门店以及一些其他公共Wi-Fi场所使用了Republic这款改装后的Moto X。所有通话都运行顺畅,我在通话过程中走出Wi-Fi区域的网络切换也是如此。我只在一个星巴克店遇到了问题,手机连接Wi-Fi有点问题,当时试了几次才连上。

Battery life was decent: The phone lasted a full day on a single charge.