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What would you do if your responsibilities at work radically changed out of the blue? You weren't promoted or demoted--you were just suddenly expected to complete tasks totally unrelated to your job. It's not common--but it does happen. Here's what you should do when your job responsibilities suddenly change.


Talk to your supervisor and be as direct as possible.

Ask why your role is changing and how you can help to continue to add value within the organization, says Al Coleman Jr., author of Secrets to Success: The Definitive Career Development Guide for New and First Generation Professionals. "Find out if the change is based on your performance or a change in strategy, and remember to be as cordial and professional as possible.”
问你的上级为什么你在公司的角色有变,以及你能够如何为公司继续带来价值,《成功的秘诀:职场新人的终极职业发展指导》一书的坐着Al Coleman Jr. 说,“找出角色变化是因为你的工作表现还是公司战略变化,记住要尽量真诚和专业。”

A sudden change in your job responsibilities is not necessarily a bad thing, adds Andy Teach, author of From Graduation to Corporation. “It may mean your employer has confidence in your abilities and wants to officially reward you when it is able to. However, if you are seeing some of your responsibilities taken away, ask yourself what you can do to improve your situation. If you want to stay in your department, ask your supervisor what it would take to get some of your responsibilities back.”
工作内容的突然变化并不一定是件坏事儿,《从毕业到就业》一书的作者Andy Teach补充道,“这种变化可能意味着你的雇主对你的能力有信心,并想在适当的时机奖励你。然而,如果你发现自己被免去了一些职权,问问自己应该如何改善目前的状况。如果你想继续待在原来部门,问你的上级怎么做才能够挽回被免去的职权。”

Use the opportunity to learn and improve.

If the change is performance based, seek opportunities to improve upon your deficiencies, Coleman says. “Ask for a coach or mentor who can help you get back on track. If the change is strategy driven, get more information on what direction the company is heading in and seek out ways to obtain the skills to remain a valuable contributor to the organization.”
如果这个改变是基于你的工作表现作出的,寻找机会弥补你的不足,Coleman 说,“找一个可以让你恢复状态的教练或者导师。如果这个改变是因为公司战略变化,找出公司新的发展方向,学习新的匹配技能,保持能够为公司贡献价值的能力。”