If you're getting additional responsibilities without a promotion or raise, ask your supervisor for some perks, Teach says. “Perhaps additional vacation days, longer lunch hours, or the ability to work from home once a week.”
如果你被赋予更多职责,却没有升职或加薪,不妨向你的上级索取一些津贴吧,Teach 说,“也许是带薪假期,或多些午休时间,或每周一次在家工作的机会。”
Don't complain.
Avoid complaining about the situation or demonstrating a negative attitude at all cost, Coleman says. Try to take a long term approach given that no matter how difficult the change may be and how severe the impact may be on your career, it will inevitably be a blip in the long run of your career. “It's tempting to do so but you're probably not the only one in this situation and morale is probably low enough in the company without you making it any lower,” Teach says. “Your supervisors are probably unhappy about their situation as well. Many supervisors will tell you that you're lucky to have a job so complaining will only compound things.”
不要不顾一切地抱怨现状,体现出你的负面情绪,Coleman 说。学会长远地看问题。不论这个转变有多难,给你的事业带来的影响有多严重,它都会成为你职业生涯的一个标志。“看起来这样做很合理,但你并不一定是唯一一个经历变化的人。没准没有你的抱怨,公司的士气已经足够低迷,” Teach 说,“你的上级或许也在为他们的境况不高兴。很多上级都会告诉你,有一个工作就很幸运了,抱怨一些更复杂的事情吧。”
Maintain a positive attitude.
The important thing is to think about the job changes positively, says Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio, a career expert and co-founder a career coaching firm. “You can be more creative and therefore successful if you are positive.”
重要的是,要积极地看待工作上的变化,职场专家和某职场培训公司的创始人Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio说,“拥有积极的态度可以让你更有创造力和更加成功。”
Remind yourself that change is inevitable.
The only thing you can control is your attitude and how you adapt to the situation, Coleman says. “As the saying goes, ‘tough times don't last, tough people do.’”