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Cranberries have antioxidant properties that can prolong life when taken at any stage of life, suggests a study to be published in the February 2014 issue of Experimental Gerontology.
将于2014年2月发表在《实验老年学》(Experimental Gerontology)上的一篇文章指出,蔓越莓由于具有抗氧化性,无论在人生的哪个阶段食用,都有助于延年益寿。

Studies of antiaging compounds have shown that some are effective at certain stages of life but can be harmful in others, researchers said.


Experiments at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore tested cranberry supplements on Drosophila, a type of fruit fly commonly used in biological research studies. Groups of 100 to 200 flies in separate vials were fed a high-sugar diet supplemented with 2% cranberry extract during the flies' three biological stages -- a health span, a transition span and a senescence span, according to the researchers. In humans, the stages correspond to young adulthood, middle and old age. Control flies didn't receive the extract.
位于巴尔的摩的美国国家老龄化研究所(National Institute on Aging)测试了蔓越莓补充剂对果蝇的效果,果蝇是生物学研究常用的实验材料。研究人员说,每组数量在100至200只的果蝇被装在不同的瓶子里,在它们的三个生物期(健康期、过渡期和衰老期)内被饲以高糖饮食并添加2%的蔓越莓提取物。这些时期在人类身上对应的是青年、中年和老年。对照组的果蝇没有接受蔓越莓提取物。

The flies were transferred to new vials between stages and the number of dead flies recorded at each transfer until all flies were dead.

Flies on the cranberry supplement during the health stage lived 25% longer than controls, on average. In the transition and senescence phases, the supplement extended the average life span of the remaining flies by 30% compared with controls.

Analysis of proteins from the flies' heads found that cranberry supplementation at all three stages reduced cellular damage caused by oxidative, or environmental, stress and appeared to alter molecular pathways involved in oxidative stress responses. Researchers noted cranberries are especially rich in phytochemicals, which are healthy, plant-based compounds.

Caveat: The research hasn't been proven in human subjects.

Title: Lifespan extension by cranberry supplementation partially requires SOD2 and is life stage independent
研究主题:蔓越莓补充剂延长寿命部分需要超氧化物歧化 (SOD2),并且不受生命阶段影响