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尝试开辟新沟通方式: 给家人写年终评估报告

A friend I've known for 20 years was habitually late-really late-to our dinners. Over dinner a couple of years ago, I told her I was giving our friendship a year-end review. She laughed and I started, 'You have always been there for me, and I trust you completely as a friend. I also trust that you're going to be at least a half-hour late every time we meet.' She nodded, smiled and took the comments in the spirit they were given. And she's never been late again.

Not everyone is as open to being reviewed. My advice: Know your audience and your boundaries. Drinks with a friend turned into an impromptu, year-end intervention for one woman I know. After a positive start, the 'reviewer' launched into a critique of the friend's boyfriend, citing unsolicited 'areas for improvement,' and encouraged her friend to end the relationship. The friendship never recovered. Some feedback is better left unsaid.

In a controversial move, my husband took the initiative last year to write up a review of my mother. That's right, a review of his mother-in-law. He handed her an envelope on Christmas morning with the words 'Year-End Review' plastered in bold across the front. Pale-faced, she opened it-and then started to smile as she read her glowing reviews as a mother and grandmother. Scanning to the bottom, she found an area for improvement: Meatball production down from peak in 2010.
去年我丈夫主动给我母亲写起评估报告来,一时引起大家的争议。没错,是对他丈母娘的评估。他在 诞节的早晨递给她一个信封,信封正面用粗体涂上“年终评估”几个字。脸色苍白的母亲打开了信封,读到对其母亲、外婆角色的溢美之辞时开始微笑起来。扫到底部的时候,她看到了一个待改进之处:肉丸子产量低于2010年时的峰值了。

The review worked. We now always have a freezer full of meatballs.