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送礼潜规则: 过节送礼的9个艺术


送礼潜规则: 过节送礼的9个艺术

New year is coming up soon, and some of you may still be working on your gift list. Presents can be a big headache during the holidays, because it takes a lot of time and effort to think of the right gift for someone. Before you finish your list, keep these dos and don'ts in mind:


1. Do set a budget.

要设定预算。Holiday isn't a time to spend money on presents you can't afford. Sure, it's a time to be generous, but remember to be kind to yourself first and don't empty out your wallet. Start making a list of people you're giving gifts to and set a cap on how much you're going to spend on them.节日不是你买负担不起的礼物的时候。当然,你可以表现得慷慨大方,但要记得先善待自己,不要掏空你的钱包。开始列个送礼名单,并给消费额度设定上限。