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2014年春节有闲暇 开心热闹旅游去哪里


New Year holidays is the best time of the year to experience traditional Chinese culture. People generally have at least three days off, and they use the time to take part in some generations-old traditions.春节时一年中感受传统中国文化最好的时候。人们通常最少有三天假期,而他们会用这段假期去参加一些代代延续下来的传统活动。To help you choose the best places to experience the Chinese New Year, here are five of the biggest celebrations in 2014 in the country.为了帮你选择最好的地方去感受春节氛围,下面列出五个2014年最大的欢庆盛事。

2014年春节有闲暇 开心热闹旅游去哪里

1. Beijing —Temple Fairs


As the former capital of the Yuan, Ming and Qing empires, Beijing's temples have hundreds of years of religious traditions and public entertainment. You can expect special entertainment such as martial arts displays or lion and dragon dances, special sales, and festival foods at the festival fairs at Ditan Temple, Longtan Temple and Dongyue Temple. The fireworks, fairs and sports competitions are the Spring Festival highlights.
