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实用11招 让你的每个早晨都充满活力


The sounds of your alarm clock goes off. It’s Monday morning. You were up late Sunday night and you have to be at work in two hours. You don’t feel like getting out of bed, let alone completing your morning tasks. How can you get out of bed more quickly and get more energy in the morning? Try some of these techniques:

实用11招 让你的每个早晨都充满活力

1. Set your alarm clock to play your favorite music

The sounds of most alarm clocks is miserable and can elicit feelings of anxiety in many people. Thus by using a standard alarm clock, the first thought in your head each day is a negative one. That’s a terrible way to start the day! Instead, I recommend setting your alarm clock to play music that makes you happy. The first thought in your head each day be a bright one.

Unlike with an annoying alarm clock sound, you won’t even want to push the snooze button! You will just want to dance, and you can’t sleep when you’re dancing… and when you’re dancing, you want to stand up. So before you know it, you’re up and ready to take on the day!

2. Drink caffeine shortly after waking

Often people feel groggy and slow for the first hour or two after waking up. Feeling groggy leads to lower productivity, and means more time spent on certain tasks than is necessary. To eliminate the morning groggy feeling, drink coffee or tea within about fifteen minutes of waking up. It prevents you from wanting to go back to sleep, and will give you the energy you need to get your morning tasks done quicker and get to work on time.

3. Place your alarm clock far from your bed

By placing your alarm clock far from your bed, you will be required to get out of bed to turn it off. Getting out of bed is often the hardest part about waking up in the morning. By getting out of bed faster, you increase the likelihood of starting your day instead of pressing the snooze button. Having your alarm clock next your bed makes it easier to press the snooze button and sleep longer.

4. Exercise in the morning

Some light exercise in the morning will get your endorphins flowing and give you more energy. The optimal duration and intensity of exercise varies from person to person. After a brief workout at the gym, I feel energized and ready to take on the day. In addition, it leaves the rest of my day open for other activities.

5. Drink water right before going to sleep

By drinking water first thing in the morning, when you wake up you’ll have to go to the bathroom which will make you want to get up and prevent you from falling back to sleep. However, try to avoid excess amounts of water within the few hours prior to going to sleep as at may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. I recommend experimenting to find the optimal timing and quantity of water to drink prior to sleeping.