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实用11招 让你的每个早晨都充满活力

6. Leave your blinds open

Leaving your blinds open at night will allow the sun to enter your room and wake you up. The sun is also a source of vitamin D, which is a natural source of energy.

7. Eat before sleeping

One of the reasons why you feel groggy and slow in the morning is because you haven’t had any sustenance during the eight hours you were asleep. A small snack before bed can help prevent this feeling. I usually eat a low-carbohydrate, easy to digest, snack, such as cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, and/or peanut butter. Too much food or those that are difficult to digest may prevent you from sleeping, so it’s best to experiment to find the best quantity and types of food to eat before you sleep.

8. Eat when you wake up

A small and easy-to-digest meal in the morning will give you a boost of energy. As discussed above, while sleeping for eight hours you haven’t provided your body with any sustenance. I recommend piece of fruit, a glass of milk, or yogurt.

9. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day

Keeping a regular and consistent sleep schedule helps your body get in to a natural rhythm. By doing so you will begin to naturally fall asleep and wake up at the same time each day. Waking up will feel more natural and you will therefore have more energy in the morning. Getting the right amount of sleep will help you feel more energized. Staying up too late when you have to be up early the next morning can be detrimental to energy levels.

10. Do something you enjoy doing in the morning

Stimulating your mind by doing an inspiring or enjoyable activity will give you energy. Knowing that you will be doing something fun will make you more eager to get out of bed in the morning.

11. Schedule something with somebody in the morning

Having “peer accountability” is one of the most effective motivators. If someone is dependent on your for something or monitoring your progress, you will feel motivated to do it. Scheduling a breakfast or workout with a peer will give you a clear deadline to attain to in the morning, thus giving you a kick-start in the morning.