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1. If possible, set up informational interviews. DeLong likes your idea of introducing your son to some of the people you (and your husband) know professionally. "Informational interviews, where someone meets with a seasoned person in a given field to find out what the various career paths are and how to get from A to B, are a great tool for any job hunter, but especially for new grads," he says. "Parents can be a gold mine of introductions to colleagues, clients, or other people with real-world insights that kids can really use."
1. 如果可能的话,帮他们联系信息性面试。德郎会比较认同你把儿子介绍给你(或丈夫)所认识的职场人士的想法。“信息性面试就是让他们与某个特定领域中的经验丰富人士交流,以确定不同的职业发展路径,以及了解如何取得职业晋升。这对于求职者来说是个十分有用的工具,特别是应届毕业生,”他说。“父母如果能把同事、客户等职业人士介绍给孩子,分享对他们有益的社会经验,那么对孩子来说,父母就无异于一个金矿。”

2. Encourage your child to develop a focus. Those informational interviews should help with this, as should reading some company websites and studying up on current trends in a given industry. "Employers tell me that most entry-level applicants have only a vague idea, if that, of what they want to do or what skills they bring," DeLong says. New grads often overlook, for instance, the link between team leadership honed in college sports or other activities and employers who are looking for those skills. You can help by pointing out the abilities and experience your son has to offer that companies want -- and that he may be overlooking.
2. 鼓励孩子逐渐明确想法。给孩子们提供信息化面试的好处很多,因为他们需要阅读公司的网页,了解某一行业的发展趋势。“雇主们告诉我,初级申请者仅对未来所从事的工作或是所需要的技能只有很模糊的概念,”德郎说。比如,应届毕业生常常忽视在大学比赛或活动中所锻炼出来的团队领导力与需要这些技能的雇主之间的联系。你可以帮助他了解他所具备的哪些能力和经验是招聘公司所需要的,而他说不定忽略了这一点。

3. Lend a hand with preparing for interviews. "New grads almost always need help with how to act and what to say in a job interview, either from you or from the campus career center or some other experienced source," DeLong says, adding that "interviews are more complicated now than they used to be, with many employers now depending on phone screens and Skype meetings, both of which call for different approaches."
3. 帮助他们准备面试。“面试时如何应对或应答?每个应届毕业生都需要得到这方面的指导和帮助,无论这种指导是来自你或是学校职业介绍中心还是其他经验人士,”德郎说。“如今面试的难度与以前相比早已不可同日而语,现在许多雇主们都依赖于电话面试或网络视频面试,这些都需要不同的应对技巧。”而同时,他说:“还要确保他们从思想上做好准备:在找到工作之前需要经历海量的面试。”

4. Steer him or her clear of the "passion hoax." DeLong considers this so important that he devoted a whole chapter of his book to it. "The larger society, or sometimes even parents themselves, too often encourage kids to 'do what you love' or 'find your bliss,'" he says. "But what if your bliss is the current equivalent of the buggy-whip business?"
4. 引导他们不要 “被兴趣所蒙蔽”。德朗非常重视这一点,他的书中有一整个章节都是在探讨这个问题。“整个社会,有时是甚至是父母都会鼓励孩子们‘做自己喜欢的事’或是‘找到自己的兴趣所在’,但如果你的兴趣早已跟不上时代怎么办?”

By his lights, a valuable (and difficult) part of parents' role is being supportive while still acting as a reality check. "Encourage new grads to learn about what industries are growing now and which ones aren't, and where the opportunities are likely to be in the future," he says.You might also mention that "the point right now is to start somewhere, without worrying too much about whether it's the ideal job," DeLong adds. "Especially at the outset of a career, even a job you don't like will teach you a lot."

What if your child is going into, say, drama, film, or some other field where lots of other talented people are parking cars or waiting tables? "Of course, a few of those people do get their big break," he notes. "But parents need to make sure kids understand the likely consequences of any choice they make now."

Good luck.