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8.Work harder and smarter.

Some employees set limits and boundaries for themselves as far as the number of hours worked or how much work they’re willing to do on a project.

It’s important to go outside these boundaries and go with the flow. Having said this, working harder is not enough. The key is to be able to work smarter so that you’re maximizing your abilities and making the most out of your time.

9.Don't overwork yourself.

If you’re already an overachiever, have been dubbed a “workaholic,” or are generally exhausted, then you need to slow down and break the habit of setting impossible goals for yourself in the New Year.

You may have to recalibrate and expect, say 75% of your workload to be achieved in a set period in order to feel fulfilled. If you’re a manager, this approach may take some of undue pressure off staff, too.

10.Volunteer to get involved with special projects, particularly those across business units.

The more you can help across all business units, the better.

Lending expertise, time and effort to other teams will help you get to know other aspects of the business as well as help you connect with people across the company.

However, remember that your current position and duties are the most important, so be sure not to bite off more than you can chew.

11.See the big picture.

There are many employees who only focus on what they’re doing, which prevents them from seeing the big picture.

Find out what your co-workers are doing and what your supervisor is doing. By getting a better understanding of the big picture, it will become clearer to you why you’ve been asked to complete certain projects.

Additionally, it’s a great learning experience which can help prepare you for a higher level position since managers and supervisors need to see the big picture in order to become successful.

12.Invest in continuous learning to stay on top of your game.

Many companies encourage employees to go back to school and pick up courses that can help them do their job better.

If you are pursuing an MBA, try to immediately translate your newly gained business knowledge into tangible action at work, as this can grab the attention of company decision makers and show them what you can do for the company.

13.Ask the right questions.

Aside from observing people at work, there is probably no better way of learning than by asking questions, especially the right questions.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Think about what you want to know before you ask about it and don’t ask so many questions that people will think that you’re taking up too much of their time.

14.Follow through on all tasks and commitments.

One of the most important things you can do as an employee is to follow through on work commitments.Do what you say you are going to do in a quality manner, on time and on budget.

Your co-workers and management will see a pattern of reliability from you, which should increase their trust and confidence in your work. Over time, this should translate into key leadership taking notice of the value you bring to the organization, and may lead to challenging, promotional opportunities down the road.