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不再关注离婚率 为何美国人再婚几率上升


When it comes to love and marriage in the 21st century, if at first you don't succeed, there's time to try, try again.

The vast majority of older Americans have married at least once by the time they reach age 50, Census data show. What's surprising is how many of them remarry: Roughly one in four people born between 1945 and 1954 have married two times or more by 50.

While exact numbers on second and third marriages are hard to come by, the share of Americans having them is significantly higher than it was before the 1960s, and has generally plateaued since then, according to W. Bradford Wilcox, a sociology professor at the University of Virginia who studies marriage trends.
弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)研究婚姻趋势的社会学教授威尔科克斯(W. Bradford Wilcox)说,尽管难以得到有过两段和三段婚史的确切人数,但此类美国人的数量已经远远高于上世纪60年代前的水平,而且自那以来一直维持在高位。

不再关注离婚率 为何美国人再婚几率上升

Americans are waiting much longer to get married than they used to, thanks to factors ranging from women's improved educational opportunities to increased focus on careers to greater access to contraception. But this masks the fact that since people are living much longer than they did a century ago, they are actually marrying earlier in their overall lifetimes, leaving more time for a second or third round of wedding bells.

Today, the typical American man marries for the first time when he is 29 years old--well above the historical low of 23 in 1956, but only three years older than in 1890, according to Jonathan Vespa, a Census demographer. Women have a similar pattern.
美国人口普查局的人口学家韦斯帕(Jonathan Vespa)说,现在典型美国男性首次结婚的年龄是29岁,远高于1956年的历史低点23岁,但只比1890年高出三岁。女性情况也类似。

In 1890, however, a man's average life span was only 43 years--which means men were marrying for the first time about halfway through their lives. American men today live until about 76, so they are marrying in the first third of their lives.

Remarriage in the U.S. has dropped recently, partly because people are marrying later and more are choosing to live together without marrying. In 1990, 50 of every 1,000 divorced or widowed Americans remarried; this figure fell to 29 per 1,000 in 2011, says Mr. Wilcox, citing research by sociologist Susan Brown of Bowling Green State University.
近期美国再婚率有所下降,这在一定程度上是因为人们结婚的年龄推后了,而且有更多人选择同居而不是结婚。威尔科克斯援引鲍林格林大学(Bowling Green State University)社会学家布朗(Susan Brown)的研究结果称,1990年,每1,000名离婚或者丧偶的美国人中有50人再婚;现在这个数字下降至每1,000个这样的人中有29人再婚。

The divorce rate, which can be measured several ways, has been falling, though it remains above its early 1970s level. And some research shows Americans may be less happy about their marriages than they were in previous decades.