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行行出状元 大学生种韭菜年收入千万元


Wearing glasses and a T-shirt, one can hardly relate Chai Huilong to his job – a chive farmer.

Two years ago, Chai graduated from Tianjin College of University of Science and Technology Beijing. He took over his parents’ 20,000-square-meter plot of land and set up a business: growing Chinese chives.

But instead of growing chives in the traditional way, Chai plants them in garden pots and sells them directly to customers through an online store. Now his family earns 10 million yuan a year.

行行出状元 大学生种韭菜年收入千万元

Chai is one of many young people who have found great career opportunities in rural areas. They make good use of their agricultural knowledge and new technologies, and benefit from supportive policies.

When Chai came up with the idea of growing chives in pots, he was not sure about running his own business. But Youth Business China, a non-profit program backed by the government, gave him “courage and strength”, he said.

Confidence boost

The program helps promote youth entrepreneurship. It offers 30,000 to 50,000 yuan in start-up funding to young people who have promising ideas. It also assigns each of them a tutor who provides guidance on spending fund money and operating the company.
“中国青年创业国际计划”致力于扶持年轻人创业。对于那些有创业金点子的青年创业者, 该项目可为其提供3-5万元的创业启动资金;同时为创业者配备“一对一”导师辅导服务,对其创业资金的支出以及公司的运营进行指导。

“My tutor makes sure I’m on the right track,” said Chai.

Local governments also encourage young graduates to pursue a career in rural areas. They often provide special subsidies to those who run agriculture-related businesses.

For example, Chai was able to buy agricultural machinery and tools at a discount.