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行行出状元 大学生种韭菜年收入千万元

Running a business is a dream for many young graduates. Two percent of Chinese graduates in 2012 started up a business, according to data released by MyCOS, an educational data consultancy. For start-up businesses, experts recommend rural areas as a good platform.

“Compared with big cities, there are more opportunities in small cities and rural areas,” said Qi Xiaoming, chief inspector of Practice Enterprises Network China International Links.

But experts also warn that graduates need to be cautious about starting up projects.

Not risk-free

“It’s necessary to find the right project that fits the local conditions. It only leads to failure if one simply copies another person’s idea,” said Fang Zhongqiu, deputy head of a local Party committee’s organizational department in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu province.

Besides, be prepared for a lot of mental pressure if you plan to be a modern farmer, said Chai.

His mother cried for days after learning that Chai would not stay in Tianjin after his graduation.

“My relatives and friends regard farming as a less respectable job. But being a farmer is just my job, not my identity,” said Chai.

So far, his products have been shipped to places as far away as Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Chai is optimistic that he can further broaden the definition of farming in the future.