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不再关注离婚率 为何美国人再婚几率上升

Education also matters a lot for how people perceive and approach marriage: A growing number of American women without college degrees are having their first child before they get married--leading to less family stability, Mr. Wilcox says.

Still, the fact that Americans have two-thirds of their lives to remarry may help people get out of failed relationships and find new ones that make them happy--a kind of 'churn' similar to the movements in and out of jobs in the labor market that help make the overall economy more dynamic.

Lynne and Chuck Tonini are among those having a better time the second time around.
琳内•托尼尼(Lynne Tonini)和查克•托尼尼(Chuck Tonini)就是在第二次婚姻中更加幸福的一对夫妻。

Mrs. Tonini, 45 years old, a business manager at an optometrist's office in Huntsville, Ala., first got married at age 23--a relationship that lasted 15 years and led to two children. Mr. Tonini's first marriage, which produced three children, lasted a similar amount of time, before going sour in the mid-2000s.

After their breakups, Lynne met Chuck, now 39, and they became friends, then romantically involved. The couple waited five years before getting married in April 2013.

Mr. Tonini says he looked for different qualities this time around--things like self-sufficiency. 'When you get older, you look at things more maturely, and you want a more well-rounded person,' he says.

The couple won't be celebrating Valentine's Day this Friday--they will be attending their 18-year-old son's high-school state championship wrestling tournament, which goes until about 10 p.m. But Mr. Tonini says he and wife have no problem waiting one more day. 'I might send her flowers,' he said. 'We'll make sure we celebrate.'