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遇见年轻时候的自己 你会跟TA说什么?

4. Jeanne Floresca

I would tell my younger self to trust her intuition. That it will never steer her wrong.

I realize I could have saved myself from a lot of stupid drama in my younger adult years if I just listened to my gut instinct more.

The older I get, the more it is confirmed; I know what is right for me and it comes from a deep knowing. I guess you can call it “knowledge from your higher-self.”
越长大我就越确信这一点;我知道什么是适合我的,从内心深处就知道了。我想这就是所谓 “更高自我的觉悟” 吧。

I would also emphasize to my younger self to nurture her spirituality because this is how she will hone her intuitive powers.

Yes, I said “powers” because I want her to know she is the hero of her story and all heroes have powers.

5. Liz Brazier

I would want to sit my younger self down and tell it “you are not a failure if your life doesn’t follow the traditional marriage and children path”.

Telling my younger self that success in life for you does not have to be shown by having a long term relationship, and that you offer so much to the world as you uniquely are.

Additionally, letting the young me know that peace and happiness comes from focusing on living your life in this present moment versus worrying about decisions made in the past or events that may never happen in the future.

6. Alex Strike

Now, looking back, I understand that my younger self was not confident enough. And maybe it will sound weird, but he thought a lot before doing something. All these “and what if…”, “what they will think” things, you know.

I would tell him “hey man, you are 18 (19,20 whatever)! Don’t be afraid of trying, risking, and following your dreams!”

And one more thing… I would advise him not to be afraid of love. Yes, it hurts sometimes, but it is a real blessing to experience this feeling, especially if it is mutual, but you are stupid enough not to understand that, and scared to accept that.

7. Bookie Efstat

I would have loved my younger self to know just this one thing: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself - Roosevelt”. Or in other words, just that fear holds you back, does not let you live your life to the fullest, or let you make enough mistakes in order to reach your potentials, while at the same time it is totally meaningless and mostly irrational.

So if my younger self was in front of me now I would say: Too many regrets come from things we did not do just from fear of the outcome. And a life without regrets is all I would ever hope for. Please challenge your fears now!