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Other findings: Self-help might be a popular market, yet only about 20% of people who start such a book finish it. More than 80% of people who crack the pages of a mystery novel will find out who did it.

People trudge through biographies at 20 pages per hour, while they read at three times that speed for erotica. And higher 'acceleration factor' -- or how much readers speed up as they get closer to finishing -- correlates with higher average rating for a book. One of the highest acceleration factors comes from Kurt Vonnegut's 'Cat's Cradle,' which readers start speeding through at the halfway mark, Mr. Friedman says.
人们阅读自传作品的速度仅为每小时20页,读色情作品的速度则是这个速度的三倍。较高的“加速因子”──即读者快要把书读完时的加速幅度──与书籍较高的平均评分有关。弗里德曼透露,库尔特・冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)的《猫的摇篮》(Cat's Cradle)是加速因子最高的作品之一,读者在读到一半时就开始加快阅读速度。

All three companies allow users to hide their reading behavior from other customers, but users can't opt out of their behavior being collected by the company itself. Entitle, however, says it keeps track of browsing and download information only.

Personalized recommendations drive 10 times more browsing traffic than lists based on themes such as 'globe-trotting memoirs' or 'bad role models' that replicate racks at the front of bookstores, Scribd's Mr. Friedman says. The company is interested in combining algorithms with lists to create a list of best sellers that someone would, based on past reading behavior, find interesting. Another possible approach is to suggest different books or genres depending on time of day to take advantage of what the company knows about time-based preferences.

At Wilmington, N.C.-based Entitle, the algorithm doesn't just crunch behavior signals, but 'reads' through a book's text to pull out different topics, genres and subjects, says Bryan Batten, chief executive of Entitle, which used to be known as eReatah Inc.
Entitle首席执行长布赖恩・巴滕(Bryan Batten)说,对该公司而言,算法不只是用以分析行为信号,还要“解读”整本书的文本来提取不同的话题、体裁和主题。Entitle的总部位于北卡罗来纳州的威明顿市(Wilmington),原名为eReatah。

There's also a patent-pending service called 'if these books had a baby,' where users can input two books and find a third with similar themes. For example, the 'baby' of Joseph Heller's 'Catch-22' and Leo Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina' is Fyodor Dostoevsky's 'The Brothers Karamazov,' but the product of 'Catch-22' and Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs biography is a book called 'Dealers of Lightning,' about engineers at Xerox Corp.
还有一项正在申请专利的服务名为“假如这些书还有后代”(if these books had a baby),用户输入两本书的书名便可找到第三本主题相似的书。比如说,约瑟夫・海勒(Joseph Heller)的《第二十二条军规》(CATCH-22)与列夫・托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)的《安娜・卡列尼娜》(Anna Karenina)的“后代”就是费奥多尔・陀思妥耶夫斯基(Fyodor Dostoevsky)的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》(The Brothers Karamazov),而《第二十二条军规》与沃尔特・艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)的《乔布斯传》(Steve Jobs)的后代则是《创新未酬》(Dealers of Lightning),这本书讲述了施乐公司(Xerox Corp.)工程师们的故事。

Entitle operates on a tiered model: two books for $9.99 a month (the most popular plan), three for $14.99, and so on. For customers, the upside is being able to keep the e-books, even if they cancel the service.

The services, of course, compete with the library. But libraries have had limited e-book offerings and there are often waits for the books. Robert Wolven, co-chair of the American Library Association's Digital Content Working Group, says demand has increased significantly in the past 18 months. He says he doesn't see the startups as a threat.
当然,这些服务与图书馆产生了竞争。图书馆可提供的电子书数量有限,而且往往需要等待才能拿到书。美国图书馆协会(American Library Association)数字内容工作小组(Digital Content Working Group)联席主席罗伯特・沃尔温(Robert Wolven)称,过去18个月中读者的需求急剧增长。尽管如此,他认为那些初创公司并不构成威胁。

While libraries' budget for e-books has been growing, licensing restrictions mean that popular titles often aren't available, says Laura Girmscheid, research manager for the trade publication Library Journal, which recently released its fourth annual report on e-books in libraries. This, combined with holds on e-books, is the largest hurdle preventing people from using library e-books more.
图书馆行业刊物《图书馆杂志》(Library Journal)的调研经理劳拉・吉尔姆沙伊德(Laura Girmscheid)称,尽管图书馆的电子书预算一直在提高,但由于许可限制,他们常常拿不到热门书籍。这个因素,加上电子书的获取有延误,成为阻碍大家更多地利用图书馆电子书的最大障碍。

'It's just not convenient for instant access,' Ms. Girmscheid says.