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For a century, the executives of Coca-Cola Co. have done everything possible to put their famed cola 'within arm's reach of desire,' to the point that one chief executive frequently pondered an extra tap at the kitchen sink--with Coke flowing from it.
一个世纪以来,可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Co.)的高管们使尽浑身解数,努力想把大名鼎鼎的可乐置于人们触手可及的地方,以随时满足对它的渴望。有一名首席执行长甚至经常考虑在厨房水池上额外安装一个龙头──让可乐从龙头里流出来。

The company's plan to team up with the maker of the Keurig single-serve coffee brewers to develop a do-it-yourself countertop Coke machine comes pretty close.

The new cold drink machine won't look anything like SodaStream, the leading home soda maker, says Coke's new partner, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. It will have a similar design to Green Mountain's boxy coffee maker, and keep the Keurig name.
可口可乐的这家新合作伙伴──绿山咖啡公司(Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc)表示,这款新型冷饮机和SodaStream(家用汽水机主要品牌)外观完全不同。机器的设计将与绿山公司四方形的咖啡机类似,并将沿用Keurig这一品牌名称。


'You put a pod in, push a button, and get a drink,' Brian Kelley, chief executive of Green Mountain said in an interview Thursday, one day after Coke said it will pay $1.25 billion for a 10% stake in its new partner.
绿山公司首席执行长布赖恩・凯利(Brian Kelley)接受采访时表示:“你把饮料胶囊放进去,按下按钮,饮料就做好了。”可口可乐此前一天宣布,将斥资12.5亿美元收购其新合作伙伴10%的股份。

The companies are betting that customers want convenience, he says, not having to lug cases of Coke or carbon dioxide canisters like those used in a SodaStream. The soda Keurig won't depend on canisters, says Green Mountain, because consumers found them inconvenient to refill and hard to manipulate.

In a statement Thursday, SodaStream International Ltd. said Coke's announcement 'serves as further validation of the relevance of our unique business model and the enormity of the global opportunity that lies ahead for us.'
SodaStream International Ltd.发布声明称,可口可乐宣布的计划“进一步证明了我公司独特商业模式所具有的重要意义,也证明我们面临的全球性机遇无比广阔。”

Avoiding CO2 cannisters was one of the highest hurdles in the five-year process of creating the cold brewer, Mr. Kelley said. Another challenge was figuring out how to instantly chill the soda. 'We make our hot drinks come out hot quickly; we had to make the cold ones come out cold quickly,' he added.

The soda pods will contain two chambers, he said. The first will have a liquid syrup for flavoring; the second will contain a pre-form of carbonation that will be released when the drink-making process starts. In addition to pods for Coke brands, the Keurig will also offer pods for non-carbonated cold teas, juice and sports drinks. The company wouldn't say whether they will contain powder or liquid.

The flash-chilling and pre-measured doses of drink syrup are what differentiates the new Keurig soda maker from SodaStream and are probably why quality-obsessive Coke is willing to take such an unusual step.

But the move is no guaranteed home run. Coke's last attempt to create a miniature soda fountain for the home, BreakMate, flopped in the early 1990s after great fanfare.

'The opportunity is small, will likely frustrate bottlers trying to accelerate bottle/can sales, reflects a bias for pushing brands over innovating 'in the bottle' and carries significant execution risk,' Mark Swartzberg, a Coke analyst at Stifel, wrote in a note to investors Thursday.
Stifel 的可口可乐分析师马克・斯沃茨伯格(Mark Swartzberg)在给投资者的报告中写道:“胜出的机会很小,可能会让试图加快汽水瓶罐销售的灌装企业感到失望,反映出该公司偏重品牌推广而非产品创新,并伴有重大执行风险。”

Green Mountain says it already has reached 13% U.S. household penetration for its pod-based coffee machine in a few years. (SodaStream has a 1% household penetration.) But soda is different than coffee. Coffee needs to be brewed fresh to taste good and most consumers prefer it hot, unlike soda, which can be bottled or canned and sit on shelves or in fridges for weeks while retaining its taste and carbonation.