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Soda is already readily available and cheap, thanks to extensive bottling and distribution systems built up over decades. Many consumers might not want to fork out $100 to $200 for a Keurig cold drink machine that would sit next to their coffee makers on increasingly cluttered kitchen counters--especially when SodaStream machines start at $80.

The companies haven't said what the soda pods will cost. The coffee K-Cups are more expensive per serving than buying a tin of coffee of a comparable brand. But people are willing to pay a premium for the convenience, Green Mountain has said. The company also has marketed Keurig as a good deal, since they are cheaper than buying a cup at a coffee shop.

If the at-home push succeeds, it could turn the cold beverage industry on its head. U.S. household penetration of soda is roughly 90%--nearly rivaling toilet paper.

Dorothy Chatman, a 69-year-old retired school teacher, and lifelong Coke drinker, is intrigued. She already owns a Keurig coffee maker. As for a Keurig cold drink machine with pods of Coke, 'I'd probably buy that too, ' she said, adding that it sounds 'convenient.'
69岁的退休教师多萝西・查特曼(Dorothy Chatman)喝了一辈子可口可乐,她对可乐机很感兴趣。她已经有了一台Keurig咖啡机。她说,至于带可乐胶囊的Keurig冷饮机,“我很可能也会买”,她还说,这种机器似乎“很方便”。

Coke could fatten its profit margins if more consumers agree to make its sodas and other flavored cold drinks at home. That's because customers would be adding the water, which is heavy and inflates transportation costs. The lightweight pods also make e-commerce more financially feasible.

Bottling and distributing soda is a high-cost, low-margin business. In Europe, where Coke sells concentrate mix to independent bottlers and distributors, the company's operating profit margin is around 40%. The company's margin in North America dropped to the low teens from around 20% after acquiring its largest U.S. bottler in 2010.

Shares in Green Mountain soared 26% to $102.10 on Thursday after the Coke partnership was announced late Wednesday. But shares in SodaStream also rose Thursday, gaining 7.2% to $38.35, as some investors placed bets the at-home movement will gain momentum and that SodaStream could team up with PepsiCo Inc. or Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc.
受与可口可乐结盟的消息推动,绿山公司股价次日飙升26%,达到102.10美元。但 SodaStream当天股价也上涨7.2%,达到38.35美元,因为一些投资者押注自制冷饮有望形成趋势,他们还预计,SodaStream可能会与百事公司(PepsiCo Inc.)或Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc.结盟。

SodaStream, PepsiCo and Dr Pepper declined to comment on any potential talks.
SodaStream、百事公司和Dr Pepper拒绝就任何潜在谈判事宜置评。

SodaStream's website makes fun of its rivals, with the slogan 'Sorry, Coke and Pepsi.'